Daily Download

If you pay attention to “news,” you’re bombarded by a lot of disempowering beliefs encoded in the messages. And so how do you see beyond what’s going on to get to what the universe is saying? If the message conveys lack, where in life can you attract more abundance and spread the wealth by helping …

Daily Download

Time is not running out. It never will, because time is eternal, dear ones. You are simply accessing a timeline from the time when all time exists. Your timeline is the storyline you’re creating. Your past is just a story you tell yourself. You’re not held to it in any way once you let go. …

8 Ways How the Universe is Working for You (#2 Proves that You’re Living in the Matrix)

There’s a lot of forces at play making things work for you on every level imaginable and even unimaginable. But the real magic comes from your ability to see through it all, to the native underlying foundation of everything. And that’s love. Because science… You see, the answers are already known within you in ever …

Daily Download

When I see the divine in your eyes, miracles are happening. Because through you, my own divinity is reflected back. The true connection is seeing in all others that we are all one and the same, each with our own spin on the universe in and around us. Everybody is their own energy and how …

Daily Download

You don’t have to limit yourself in any way to meet someone else’s expectations. But don’t get this part wrong—they aren’t doing anything unless you allow it. Nobody’s trying to dull your shine. They came to you to learn how to shine on their own. Their attachments are their own to transcend. And your lesson …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You came here to live. Yet many in the living remain focused on everything but. Your purpose isn’t to leave this realm. Your purpose is to enjoy the life you’re creating every single brand new moment. Death isn’t the end. But living to die or making yourself believe this is your only …

Daily Download

I started explaining myself better when I realized that people only understand from their level of perception. Everyone has their own unique map of reality based on how their brain is wired around their lessons. When you recognize and honor someone’s map of reality, your communication improves. You speak into their level of perception for …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Expectation is attachment. It’s an attachment to a specific outcome. And the worst part is when this happens, you have no control over the outcome. That’s why people become control freaks. They try to control that which can be completely let go of instead. When you expect something to happen or someone …

The Art of Timeshifting 

What would you do with the ability to pause time, view multiple possible timelines, and choose an outcome aligned with your highest and best? What if I told you that you’re already doing it, unaware of the time between time where you make it happen? Right now you’re becoming aligned with the awareness that this …

The Universe Is a Conspiracy to Love Yourself

I’ve got news for you. If you think that you’ve figured out the conspiracies and realized that governments, banks, and religions are mechanisms of control, you have awakened to a new level of awareness. You may see others as sleepers or “in the matrix.” You see beyond the mechanisms of propaganda, misinformation, and control. But …

Daily Download

How to spot a free soul: Look within. Because your essence is that of freedom, love, and joy expressed infinitely through every grain of your existence. Once you acknowledge and love yourself as this, you will see free souls everywhere. And that’s because now you’re emanating pure radiance, giving the universe the opportunity to rise …

Daily Download

Fall in love at first sight. Not with your eyes though. You see, first sight comes before sight. How you see the world around you now is completely different from what it actually is. Because you shape your reality out of your beliefs. You color your world the way you want to see it. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: People who cannot see beyond their own judgements of you will have no fucking clue who you really are. And if you’re one of them, you won’t even know yourself. Those who harbor judgment blind themselves to the light and the love that is at the core–the very essence–of each and every …

Daily Download

Everything in this universe, when stripped down to its naked essence is information. How it attracts, vibrates, and forms physical attributes are its information. And everything always changes, transforming into something greater than itself. Yes, always. The transcending of pure information into something is called transformation. And that’s something we all experience, whether consciously aware …

Daily Download

I wanna see your beauty–all of it. Your true beauty. No, not the standards of beauty you’ve been taught to show, I wanna feel your scars. I wanna see your stretch marks and everything that says ‘I have lived!’ I wanna experience every wrinkle from every smile and every single gray hair that shows your …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you are afraid of losing someone, you’ve already lost them. Because if fear of losing someone is guiding your actions and words, you are not coming from a place aligned with who you really are. Fear is not who you are, but love is. Acting out of fear holds your loved …

Daily Download

The greatest gift you can give someone is your presence. Be there for someone. Be there to create space for healing. Not to fix, just to be present in the moment. Be there for them to gather the lesson from what’s coming up and be present to that. Be there to ground when needed. To …

Daily Download

Things do get better because you get better. Not better than anyone else, there is no comparison to you. You get better than the person you were yesterday. Every. Single. Day. Unless you don’t. You see, we all have both the ability and the choice to improve ourselves. The ability to get better gives you …

Daily Download

It’s all right in front of you. Every possibility in your life, every corner you go around and road you cross, leads to multiple universes of infinite possibilities. Every change in your life is a portal to a new universe. Every decision opens up a new portal. And when you act in your choices, you …