Daily Download

It’s the little things that matter. Hold the ones you love, without holding onto them. Settle down with someone, but settle for no one. Tell your story without being held to your story. Notice how ever-so-slight changes in how you think about things can make changes in the subconscious that facilitate healing in every single …

Daily Download

Fall in love with life. Love your failures for what you’ve learned in the past that helped you grow. Celebrate your successes as you continue to grow in new empowering ways. Fall in love with the beauty of nature in her awesome glory and power. See the world through these eyes and you’ll never be …

Daily Download

Repeat after me: Dear universe, I am ready. I am ready to give love and gratitude. I am ready to serve humanity, the evolution of life, and planet Earth. I am ready to allow even more flow of consciousness in, around, and through me. I am ready to embrace my unique talents in ways that …

Daily Download

You can find love everywhere you go. Because YOU bring it! Be in love with yourself and watch how it magically changes your reflection in this beautiful universe. Because the universe is expressed wholly within every grain of your existence. So loving yourself is loving the universe exponentially, and the light you emit all comes …

Daily Download

Your body is an embodiment. The question is, of what? Your cells respond to the energies around you as you evolve throughout your life. Your experiences are coded and passed down to the next generation. This is why it is so important to cast your own shackles and live a life of love. And every …

The Spark of Life

The spark of life is still one of the greatest mysteries of science. The building blocks are all there, forming from a primordial goo on an early Earth. We’ve figured out how cellular life started, but the mystery of the first spark of life still remains.  One-celled organisms may have started in a hot soup …

The Science of Angel Messages

Science is based on observation. So wouldn’t it benefit you by being able to expand your own ability to perceive, observe, and tap into the essence of who you are? There’s definitely a science to doing just that… Perception is a funny thing.  Nobody’s perception is the same. You can be observing the same thing, …

Daily Download

I’ve been through Hell, yet these have been the best years of my life. Regardless of what has happened in the past, remain focused on your path as you create a better now. And there’s always reason to smile! Yes, always. Do that.  =D

Daily Download

When you do what’s right for your-when you forgive yourself, truly appreciate yourself, and love every bit of who you are even more, the universe always has your back. Always. It’s because you are the universe, expressed wholly within every grain of your existence–every subatomic particle–every bit of information–every cell of your being.  =D

Daily Download

The universe really does prefer life. Her secret lies in the natural imbalance. There’s more matter than antimatter. If they were the same, everything would cancel itself out. Because there’s more matter, particles and forces attract, creating the very building blocks of life. And then the universe evolved into you! =D

Daily Download

Your mind grows as you bring more and more into your awareness. Allow sounds to come in as you listen quietly. Bring them into your awareness from farther away. This practice increases your awareness and expands your mind–the nonphysical realm of your awareness of the physical. Cool, huh?  =D

Daily Download

Your ego is your best friend. Yea, you read that right. It’s the switch that turns on the light that you shine out into the universe! It brings up what you need to process exactly the right moment when your subconscious is ready. That’s why, like an angel being a messenger of God, your ego …

Daily Download

Sometimes the best thing you can do in a situation is to walk away. Walk away with your head held high and your feet firmly grounded. It doesn’t always matter who was right or wrong. It’s a lesson for you to stay strong. But be gentle with your feelings. Be compassionate to others involved. Let …

Daily Download

The universe prefers to keep sending even more unconditional love through those who love themselves. Simply because it’s the path of least resistance. So wouldn’t you want to be in this free-flowing, ever-present level of awareness of your own self love? awww yea… =D

Daily Download

There’s a magical component of who you are. Deep inside of you, every single atom was made by stars. Not just our sun, but her ancestors as well. We’re all stardust. Clouds of atoms that came alive, shimmering in the light of the sun. That means that you and I are made of cosmic glitter!  …

Daily Download

There’s a highest intent to everything. Even the bad. Every act of evil has some kind of justification or motive based on a need to fulfill the intent. And knowing that we can unknowingly attract bad shit happening to us, YOU can actually resolve that by finding that highest intent. That’s really what you were …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The purpose of your spiritual enlightenment is not to be condescending towards those whom you perceive not to be “awakened.” That’s just feeding your ego. The purpose is to love everyone unconditionally! In doing so, you’ll see them beyond their limitations and above their timeline in a space where all of their …

Daily Download

​ If the colors of a rainbow are just light split into the spectrum, why is it that it invokes the perception of beauty? How does it make you feel, and what exactly do you see? Ever wonder why the ends of the rainbow move as you do? Your eyes hold the key to how …