Daily Download

Once a heart is opened up, it cannot be closed. (Except for open heart surgery). What I’m talking about is how you feel with your heart. How your heart expresses it’s natural intelligence. It’s about love! Every experience you have teaches you something. You open up more as your heart learns. Whether you’re happy or …

Daily Download

The universe loves you exactly like you love yourself. Just let that sink in… think of the universe as a giant reflector dish. Everything you put out comes back to you magnified. What you put out is completely up to you. You can transcend your blocks and fears, allowing this pure divine love for yourself …

What If I Told You…

What if I told you that evolution and creationism are the exact same thing? Wait a minute, what just got triggered right now? All y’all science fans just got all uptight just from the mention of the word creation, didn’t you? Wanna know why? Because we all have our own deep levels of subconscious beliefs …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There’s a huge difference between being tough and being strong. Being tough is what you get when you’re in effect rather than at cause. You get hurt, you get tough. Doesn’t mean tough isn’t strong. It takes strength to build walls out of the mighty blocks you put up. You get like …

Matrix Reprogramming 101

At your core, you are vibrating energy. This is true for all of us. At our essence, we’re all the same. Look deep within yourself as you visualize your body synchronized and functioning as a whole. Each of your organs serves its own purpose and is made of unique cells. Every cell has the genetic …

Daily Download

Love more. Keep doing it. Like the guitar player who keeps going until the fingers bleed, pain is only temporary. And love of the music keeps the song alive. There may have been hurt you experience in your practice of love, as you’re learning to practice love perfectly. We may have missed a note in …

Daily Download

Gratifaction: the feeling you have when you manifest exactly what you need right here and now. Go ahead-call it forth into the present moment as you bring the future into the now. Do so with a sense of gratitude from already having it. Because when you see the whole process, not just a snapshot in …

Change Your Perception, Change Your Universe

Imagine that everything you can see right now was inside a bubble. And everyone else saw from inside their bubble. As more and more of us got closer, our bubbles merged, allowing us to share our vision with one another. Yet, still no one would see outside the bubble. Collectively though, miracles happen inside the …

Daily Download

There is no bad karma. But you will repeat lessons until you wake up and flip that switch! You see, many lessons will present themselves to you in many ways. Look for the underlying patterns in your lifetime, your genealogy, and your parallel lives. Your soul knows these events by the energy. And it’s part …

Daily Download

The universe lives in you. And I like that! The soul purpose of the universe is to live. In doing so, s/he experiences the self through you. All of your love. Your learnings. Your life lessons. Your experiences. You’re perceptions. S/he takes them all to store in her memory. Information is never lost. Your existence …

Daily Download

You separated from yourself. And that’s ok. It was a long time ago. The beginning of the universe, in fact. The purpose was to set yourself on the path of coming together and being whole. In that sense, everything you perceive as separate is mere illusion. This grand illusion has many tricks and obstacles to …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: There’s a huge difference between being needy and knowing what you need. People may not know this or recognize it, but you know within every grain of your existence what you need. It’s simply a matter of acknowledging this with the highest intention. Knowing what you need brings forth manifestation into the …

Daily Download

Language is an expression of feelings. It doesn’t matter what language or dialect is used. We are all translating the energetic vibrations of our own self into words to convey a message. Language reveals how someone feels, and underneath that are the behaviors, emotions, and values each individual has. Each is interconnected in a way …

Daily Download

What are the odds? When you think about the chances of life happening on Earth, you reveal something about yourself… You see, many subscribe to limiting beliefs that in order for Earth to form in the habitable zone of our Sun, and for life to start in the harshest conditions, the chances would be incredibly …

Daily Download

Need soul-side assistance? Call AAA (angels, ancestors, and ascending masters)! They’re always there to help, no matter what road you’re on. They’re here to keep you going on your journey. And to keep you safe and protected along the way. And you have a life long membership. Can’t beat that deal, huh? Well if you …

Daily Download

Struggling with your inner struggle? You’ve done a lot of work on yourself, yes, and probably wondering why you might still be experiencing blocks in some ways. And that’s perfectly ok! You see, you don’t have to go looking for blocks, even if you are experiencing resistance in some way. Your subconscious knows exactly what …