Daily Download

Ancestral knowledge is built right into your DNA. Do you really think you have to learn everything for yourself? Hell, the little dung beetle can navigate using the stars. Maybe wanna give yourself some more credit? Good! Because you store information in what used to be called junk DNA. This is now used to trace …

Bonus Advance Daily Download

Fairies are real man, you gotta believe me. You see, fairies are really much more than the eyes can see. Fairies are a different reality entirely, and that reality is your consciousness. Your thoughts and beliefs work to color your perceptions, allowing your mind to piece reality together. Your version of reality is unique to …

Daily Download

Do you mind? What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Nevermind. 😉 Truth is, mind isn’t matter. The mind is often confused with the brain, but it’s like this: The mind channels thoughts. The brain translates thoughts into neural signals, perceives reality, and stores memories. We measure energetic signals from the brain–the signatures left …

Daily Download

What is divine timing? Is it an excuse we give for being late? Hehe No, it’s much more than that. Ever notice how something happens just at the right time? It’s as if the entire universe has become aligned, knowing that it’s a brand new moment, opening up a can of new possibilities on your …

Daily Download

From the universal irony division: the simple beauty of a flower is greater than that which is allowed by human perception. The red color of the rose is so deep that its wavelength is beyond what we can see. The colors of a violet go far above the frequency we see. As advanced as we …

Daily Download

I hear you. I understand. You’re working hard and I keep telling you to keep going. Change takes as much time as needed. Even though we’re in a realm of infinite possibilities, being in the human condition places us in the path of learning lessons. That’s why you need time. Some lessons are easy (on …

Daily Download

Music creates a sacred union of souls. Our bodies express ourselves with music and dance. This union of the rhythm and the motion is sacred. It is a pure exchange of energy. It is far more than just giving and receiving, for it is two souls merging as one. Like one breath in and out …

Daily Download

You’re perfectly imperfect. Everything you and anyone else has ever perceived as a flaw has led you down a path (or is about to). Is it acceptance? Self improvement? Both? This journey takes you toward a destination. That’s your center. And when you reach it, you will emerge anew. And from a new viewpoint you …

The Science behind the Law of Attraction

We’ve all heard the term ‘law of attraction.’ We’ve witnessed it in life. There’s been enough time to observe it in action many times in one lifetime. And the sample size is just about everybody on the planet. So how can we apply our collective experience and knowledge to study this scientifically and gain even …

Daily Download

All of the powers that be, reside within me. Repeat this and notice how this effortlessly sinks into every grain of your existence. You may choose to perceive this through many lenses. It is a mantra. It has religious meaning. And it has scientific evidence to back it. Because every grain of your existence–every part …

Bonus Advance Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you play “the game,” you take on others’ energy. Their lessons. Their karma. This arises naturally through our subconscious projections. You always, yes always, project your subconscious. This is why it is best to always give your best. This way, your projection and your karma are at their highest and best …

In the Arms of an Angel

True power exists within the subtleties of life. This power is often dormant and unseen. Maybe even unknown. It’s a form of potential energy, like the kundalini within us all. The life force that when awakened, separates mind and body allowing you to experience the universe literally flowing through every grain of your existence. And this potential …

Daily Download

Blunt force truth: You have choice in any situation. When you recognize the programming and social conditioning, you then can choose to remain in that mindset or step free. When you see your own mind looping from the past or worrying about the future, you can step out of it. You can choose what you …

Daily Download

Go ahead. Ask the universe a favor. Ask for anything and everything your heart desires. The laws of nature will always (yes, always) comply. And the universe expects nothing in return except for you to live and love. The question is then, how specifically are you asking for specifics? Are you embodying within yourself the …

Daily Download

Another blunt force truth: Sometimes, in the past, people may have given you false hope. But what does this mean in the context or your learnings? It illuminates that you are focused on hope. Looking further into the process, what makes it reflected back to you as false hope? Well, was there any self doubt? …