What is the Omniverse?

What is the Omniverse?  It’s what our universe comes from. New web updates: GrandSlamTheory.com Follow the Omniverse blog, Omniverse on fb (www.facebook.com/grandslamtheory), and Twitter @GrandSlamTheory.   Please like and share! =D  

Omniversal Consciousness

“What is mind?  No matter. What is matter?  Nevermind.” – Homer Simpson Since the dawn of time, humankind has philosophized to explain our existence.  Different fields of study have spawned different variations of how we came to be.  Nevertheless, we are here.  And now we are answering the ultimate questions about our universe – is …

oenlight.com has been Renovated

New Home Page Renovations – Check out oenlight.com! The complete resource for book news about Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse. oenlight.com has a new social feed on the front page from my blog. It is fully integrated in WordPress and Facebook with user comments and likes. You can also find more information about the books, about the …

The Edge of the Universe

If you know the Omniverse, you know the edge of the universe isn’t real.  It’s just like any other made up territorial line we humans tend to use to limit our thinking.  Those like me question what is real in this universe.  Are we really just some matter and a bunch of space?  In actuality, …

The Omniverse and the Holographic Principle

The holographic principle states that all of the information contained within a black hole is directly proportional to the surface area, not the overall volume.  This tells us that our universe, our very reality, exists in a curved two dimensional system.  Three space dimensions, time, and several tiny, curled up dimensions that make up our …

Happy Double Discovery Anniversary

Happy discovery anniversary! From CERN,1 year ago today CMS Experiment and ATLAS Experiment at CERN announced the Higgs particle! http://home.web.cern.ch/about/updates/2013/07/higgs-boson-one-year Image copyright CERN, 2012 But that wasn’t the only great discovery last independence day!  It was the start of our independence age of discovery!  In addition to the Higgs findings, Nature reported dark matter found …

Book News!!!

Book News!!!

Coming next – a children’s book that explains all we know about the universe, and how we came to see the bigger picture. It’s a great companion to GST of the Omniverse for children of all ages.

More info to follow. Please follow us on fb and twitter: www.facebook.com/GrandSlamTheory and #GrandSlamTheory

Thank you!

What Does the Future Hold for Us?

I just read a post saying that the Earth’s population may rise to 11 billion people by year 2100 (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130613111942.htm).  In a typical U.S. media fashion, they play the lack and limitation card, making the reader fear this possible future.  Apparently, we need to change our policies to account for increasing population.  Will we even …



Think we know all there is to know about the universe? Was the Higgs the last great find? There’s much more to the picture. The LHC will be conducting high energy supercollider tests in 2015 in hopes to find more fundamental building blocks of our universe and maybe rewrite the laws of physics. Gravitons and superpartners are among the list of forthcoming discoveries, if observed.

The Omniverse proposal in 2013 (coming soon) will look at the entire universe as if it were a particle. The universe is, in fact, a singularity. Only a Planck length. The Omniverse is the big picture. It is a mechanism to produce the singularity and create the Big Bang. Our universe s like an electron to the Omniverse.

If the universe is like an electron, is it a fractal repeating pattern? What happens when we continue to look smaller? This is where you get into the space where tiny, curled-up dimensions are found. This is the Nanoverse. Inside the vast space between quarks in a particle, the Nanoverse involves fundamental energies and dimensions yet to be observed. Once we understand the nature of extra dimensions, we will understand how gravity works on the quantum level. Then we will know the underlying force. Even matter may have roots in the higher dimensions. Dark matter, whose effects have been observed in space, might have a similar dimensional profile to ours, but not close enough for us to be able to see it. Someday, we may even be able to decode the multidimensional profile of complex molecules, like DNA. There’s more to discover about everything!

Pictured: First photograph of molecule showing different types of bonds between atoms. From IBM.


What does universe mean?  Everything we know and all of the physical laws relate to one universe.  Does that mean it is everything?  Just like in the past, what we think is everything is subject to change.  We used to think the Earth was flat and the solar system revolved around us.  That was our …

Gravity Branes and the Omniverse

While doing background research for my book, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse (coming soon!!!!!), I came across an explanation for gravity’s strength, or lack thereof, using higher dimensions.  I found this very interesting, since I was using higher dimensions to explain the Omniverse model.  Specifically, in the higher dimensions, I explain the underlying forces …

National Arbor Day – April 26

National Arbor Day - April 26

BOOK NEWS! We are entering the final editing stage and will be publishing soon. A tentative release date might be around Summer 2013! And the Bonus if submitted by April 26: an Omniverse Tree!

As always, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Thanks to all of my followers!!!! Please like my fb page at www.facebook.com/grandslamtheory.

From Balboa Press:
April 26 is Arbor Day; submit your manuscript by this date, and we’ll offer you a special tribute: a tree planted by the Arbor Day Foundation in one of America’s national forests.

The tree planted on your behalf will live among America’s wildlife, providing shade, shelter or food, just as your book will have the opportunity to enrich readers with encouragement, wisdom or wellness once it’s published.

This is what we’re made of

This is what we're made of

We are stardust 3.0, or biological life. We formed in the wake of first generation stars’ supernovae. Second generation stars fused heavier elements that are the building blocks for biological life. Life is ubiquitous in the universe. Where there is water, there is life – comet clouds, extraplanetary systems – the building blocks are everywhere! See my previous blog, the Origins of Life, for more information. To learn about our true nature, also see Duality or Reality.

Follow me at www.facebook.com/GrandSlamTheory for more fun posts and news, and check out www.GrandSlamTheory.com for the white paper for Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse: What Happened Before the Big Bang and book news.

Duality or Reality

Good verses evil.  Right and Wrong.  Republican or democrat.  What is reality to us?  We always observe opposites.  We have magnetic forces with north and south poles, electric currents with positive and negative.  In physics, every single known type of particle has an opposite known as a superpartner.  Matter has antimatter.  We think the two …