Daily Download

Are you heart-centered or head-centric? Some like to say the head is where your identity is. But is it? Wayne Dyer demonstrated this: He said “put your hand in front of you and point back to yourself.” Try it. Where’d you point? Truth of the matter is, it’s not scientific to say your brain is …

Daily Download

Welcome to Spaceship Earth. She is a life-sustaining craft capable of traveling through the universe. Upon agreement of your tasks, you will be given one spacesuit. This spacesuit will be custom tailored for you based on your frequency and the tasks you are to carry out. Your spacesuit is designed to perceive the energy around …

Daily Download

Sometimes the very nature of reality transcends language… Yet language transcends barriers, allowing a greater understanding. Whenever there’s polarization, it’s simply an invitation for a better understanding. When there’s an argument, it’s an opening for better communication. How each person perceives reality is perception. And at the exact moment you are ready… 💥Time isn’t linear. …

Daily Download

Omniversal law: Consciousness is communication with self. And it’s multifaceted… You’re communicating with yourself through your human vessel. Through your inner self. Your thoughts and actions. You’re communicating with yourself through reflections you observe as others. What comes up for you in the presence of what someone does or says? In that moment, you are …

Daily Download

What happens when our thoughts influence our reality? The subconscious mind tunes itself to find more of what matches the internal representation of your thoughts. The brain is hardwired to do that. It’s called your reticular activating system. Whatever you focus on, your subconscious mind will find more of in your surroundings for you to …

Daily Download 1500

When you approach the speed of light, the laws of physics break down. Or so they said. What if they’re just ways of perceiving things? And instead of breaking down, maybe it’s just a change in perception. What we see as 3D of space with one dimension of time transforms to 3D of time and …

Daily Download

How many walls are in most rooms? And how many dimensions of space and time are we taught to perceive? 4 Think that’s a coincidence? Or is it just different ways of expressing our own perceptual box? Schröedinger’s cat was nothing compared to the thought experiment that is how each and every individual experiences reality …

Daily Download

Did the recent startup of the newly upgraded Large Hadron Collider open a portal to a parallel universe like the new conspiracies claim? What’s science say? Science says yes! Because everything we observe is simply the most likely outcome or combination of outcomes out of infinite possibilities. In quantum mechanics, for an object to go …

Daily Download

There’s a lot of theories about why extraterrestrials “haven’t” contacted life here (they have been). Every theory has merit, but surprisingly, science hasn’t caught up to the science of the mind in this context. 👁️What science overlooks is that human perception is not how things actually are. 👁️We only think things are the way they …

Daily Download

Modern physics tests have already proved the existence of parallel worlds. They just don’t know it yet. They’ve been duplicating results since the 1800s. And the only thing stopping people from seeing it is their own cognitive bias from any disruption of the frame of reference from which they viewed their world. All of the …

Daily Download

Growing up as a human, you’ve probably been conditioned with the concept of ‘mutually assured destruction,’ when the superpowers of the world threaten to destroy each other as a means to find peace. But what if there’s a better way to create peace? Nobody talks about mutually assured creation. Does this one fact, that each …

Daily Download

There has been a fascination with time travel since the beginning of time. Humans think that something in the past could change if we could travel back in time… But time and space are intertwined dear ones. Even if you could go back, the earth is no longer there. The past was in a different …

Daily Download

What is the fascination with time travel? Humans think that something in the past could change if we could travel back in time… But time and space are intertwined dear ones. Even if you could go back, the earth is no longer there. The past was in a different part of the galaxy. And the …

Daily Download

Your body is not just a temple… It’s your spaceship. Your body allows you to move freely about on the mothership (Earth). You operate your body and even augment your natural mobility with technology. The windows to your spaceship are your eyes and other senses. Not just the ones you were taught about. You also …

Daily Download

Time travel is a technology that never needs to be invented. How can it even have a beginning? Because if it’s ever invented in the future, we’d have it now. It exists in all time. But really, if that’s the case, as indeed it is, then you wouldn’t need anything for time travel because it’s …

Daily Download

Your eye is a lens that lets the light in. It is a window into your world. And the sky is but another lens. The sky is the window from our spacecraft Earth. Even the universe in her glorious entirety is a lens. This lens is shaped by the acceleration of her expansion. The farther …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: We tend to think of space as not a thing. But it is. It’s literally the conductor of all energy in the universe. So we tend to think of space as vast. But it isn’t. Yes, we perceive distance in-between objects. But that’s only your perception. That space is just part of …

Own That Shit

There are four primary stages of conscious life. 1) The quantum level, where energy becomes physical and attracts. 2) Solar life, where stars create energy reactors to create the building blocks for 3) biological life. And 4) ascended life, where the physical stages shed their very existence as we know it. We humans know very …

UFO Confessions

On a clear night in Roanoke, Virginia, stargazers were getting a vivid glimpse of a comet flying by Earth around the mid-1970s. I was around 5 years old and getting the chance to see something otherworldly for the first time in my life. My Dad had purchased a telescope, which we had pointed outside from …

The UAP Report

In 2019 videos from the US military recorded unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP for short) off the coast of southern California. Videos were leaked to the public then confirmed to be real in 2021, and a report of findings was just submitted to Congress. Interestingly, one video showed craft that were more than just aerial. They …