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A much Jung-er version of self found that a person’s behavior and actions resulted from projections of the inner psyche — the subconscious mind. As Jung said, “perception is projection.” The subconscious mind filters information to match your internal code. Turns out the universe is much the same. The universe is, in fact, a projection. …

Daily Download

Reality’s a funny thing… How can we define what’s real when atoms never even touch? When particles aren’t particles but fields of energy? Spinning and vibrating bits of information? How can you be sure it’s not a simulation when the universe and our brains operate like computer code? Here’s the key: Every tiny grain of …

Daily Download

Glitch in the matrix… Or cracks in the universe? For the first time ever, cracks in the universe that cause gravitational lensing were observed. This could be evidence of cosmic strings laying the framework in the early Big Bang for the expansion of space to happen. It’s another piece in the story of our creation… …

Daily Download

Ever hear people say the universe is cold? Then repeat it? That’s how it becomes a limiting belief. You tell your subconscious that’s what you want to see, and your nervous system is designed to show you more. Is that reality? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy… The universe actually contains a lot of energy. All of …

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The well-known physicist Michio Kaku describes the human perception of reality as a 4D slice from 11 dimensions of space and time (that we know). In 4D reality, you see celestial objects in 3D with 1D of time. The funny thing is that the human brain is known to store information using 11 dimensions… Just …

Daily Download

Science says this new optical illusion is seen by 80% of humans. I didn’t see it until I read that those people can see the center expand when it is focused on. But science also says that nobody knows why the brain makes the image expand. The answer is right there in front of us… …

Daily Download

Science shows us that objects taking up space in higher dimensions can be viewed in the 3 physical dimensions humans perceive. And that time as we know it may not just be a single fixed dimension. We only perceive it that way. The science of the mind tells you that the subconscious filters data from …

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You were taught about light wrong. And that’s ok. Because that gives you a chance to discover something new again… Mirrors don’t reflect a beam of photons. When photons strike a reflective surface, they are absorbed by the electron fields of the surface’s atoms. You were probably also taught that an electron is a particle …

Daily Download

Humans can project light through 4D space-time onto a 2D screen. You’re observing it now. We’ve even demonstrated how to ‘slice’ through frameworks of higher dimensions, effectively making a 3D screen that resembles crystals. Quasicrystals are multidimensional, and their patterns we see are slices of higher dimensions. And now scientists are creating new phases of …

Daily Download

How you perceive your universe determines how you perceive your universe. So to understand how you perceive your universe, you must first understand how you perceive your universe… Humans have primary senses like visual, auditory, feeling, and understanding, each of which shapes your view of the world through filters in the mind’s hidden code. And …

Daily Download

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t fly. Because you’re flying through uncharted space right now on a living space rock powered by a nuclear fission reactor and gravitational warp drive. You’re making a 4D fractal spiral path through the universes with multiple core energies working for you. Electromagnetic. Nuclear. Gravitational. The great …

Daily Download

Have you ever used your eyes to see what happens inside the brain? How many ways do you think you can sense your own inner workings? And are we really ourselves, or is self image and identity just something made up in the brain? Do this with me. Point to yourself. Hold your hand out …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: People argue over what they believe in the universes to be real or not. When in reality, nothing is real. 💣Not your laws of physics. 💣Not your physical structure. 💣Not even time. Even if you read that with pauses. Everything you describe is what you perceive. Is perception what’s real then? Because …

Daily Download

When I decided to incarnate as a vessel of consciousness in physical form, the universe said to me, you must be out of your mind! That’s because in order to create a focal point of consciousness into being, I first had to create the illusion of separation from the divine mind of all that is. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Truth: There’s more good in the universe than anything else. Because everything contributes to creation… ✨Creation of matter ✨Creation of stars ✨Creation of life’s building block molecules All of the known forces of the universe are working in concert right now to make your life possible. And you give it meaning. So why is …

Daily Download

For every action there’s an equal but opposite reaction, right? That’s what alchemy taught us. And the laws of physics. There’s just one problem… In a simple cause-and-effect case, it’d be right. At least according to the eye of the observer. But what’s really happening? For every action, there is an infinite number of possibilities …

Daily Download

It takes 21 days to start a new habit. Science shows us that this happens from the subconscious mind coding the new habit through repetition. By repeating the new habit, practice makes perfect, as it is written in your brain’s secret code and made part of your automatic consciousness. This is also how the subconscious …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You’ve been hypnotized. People go through life in different states of trance. Ever tune someone out with selective listening? Ever forget you were driving or lose track of how far you’ve gotten? These are states of trance. The superconsciousness is a higher state of trance that automatically creates agreements with the laws …

Daily Download

The universe is a matrix of infinite possibilities. It is a universe manifested as every possibility of itself, creating a multiverse. It is programmable, like a simulation, but without the need for an external or higher power doing the programming. You do the programming. Because how you program your universe determines how you perceive your …

Daily Download

Every night and every waking moment, we’re flying through uncharted space. The view from our window doesn’t look much different though. We see the same stars and constellations in our night sky. But each time from a different vantage point. The Earth has never been where she is right now. She’s been around the galaxy …