Daily Download

There is no truth. Only your truth. Truth is perceived in absolutes but can change as your perception evolves. Go higher. Rather than focusing on what’s right or wrong, true or untrue, transcend the duality of truth and step into honesty. This means you are open to receiving facts and changing your idea of truth …

Food for the Soul

You can redirect your energy. Even when it seems the world is against you or you’re against all odds. Being against anything is a great way to not get anything done. It’s like pushing on a door that says pull. And that’s how the universe works! You enter through a door to create your own …

Daily Download

Everything happens on purpose. It’s deeper than just finding the meaning. Yes there is a reason, but the purpose shows you how you can gather the lessons and adopt them in the way for your life’s highest and best good. The purpose allows your higher consciousness to interact in such a way that expands your …

Daily Download

Here’s a little trick that proves there’s more to you than just the living body. Your mind has thoughts. Everything running through your mind, every emotion, and every perception are information, yes? For decades physicists have argued the information paradox within black holes. Information cannot be destroyed. Even stuff that falls in has its information …

The Saint and The Sinner

The mind is a truly wonderful landscape for reality to be created. The mind beautifully filters from realms of pure thought. Infinite knowledge. The information of all that is. The Akashic Records. The mind filters in such a way that is custom tailored to you and your experience in life. You attract what the mind …

Daily Download

The universe in its whole is expressed though every grain of your existence. Every cell of your being. As romantic as this is, it’s truth that’s backed by science! Because the universe is simply a point that expands with space like a stone thrown in water causing ripples. As the space expands the universe projects …

Daily Download

What is time? Time is measurement of decay. From orbits of objects slowly falling toward the sun to subatomic particles’ decay, our understanding of time is linear due to the nature of our measurements. That’s our perception. Now, if you look at the quantum scale, you can see how all states of something exist until …

Daily Download

If time exists eternally and reality is contextualized from infinite possibilities, how do you know what’s real? Well, reality is simply that which you realize to be real. In other words, your reality is defined by your perception. Your perception is a filter that allows information through based on your beliefs. Beliefs are your operating …

Daily Download

Most people think that reality is fixed. We tend to look at solid objects as if that’s what they are. And the tragedy is that when we think we have it all figured out, that’s when the curiosity stops. Until that miracle moment when you remember how fascinating life was when you were a child …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you don’t believe in something, what you are focusing on not believing is the same thing you’d be focused on believing if you believed, right? So why are you focused on something you don’t believe in? You see, the power of belief shapes the frame of reference with which the subconscious …

Daily Download

Remember when Wiley E. Coyote drew magnificent paintings on the rock walls to trick the Road Runner? Can you imagine if your imagination was like Wiley? What if you created roadblocks, built walls, and painted your version of reality upon them? Guess what… We all do this (until we wake up)! Blocks are created throughout …

Change Your Perception, Change Your Universe

Imagine that everything you can see right now was inside a bubble. And everyone else saw from inside their bubble. As more and more of us got closer, our bubbles merged, allowing us to share our vision with one another. Yet, still no one would see outside the bubble. Collectively though, miracles happen inside the …

Daily Download

The universe lives in you. And I like that! The soul purpose of the universe is to live. In doing so, s/he experiences the self through you. All of your love. Your learnings. Your life lessons. Your experiences. You’re perceptions. S/he takes them all to store in her memory. Information is never lost. Your existence …

The Science behind the Law of Attraction

We’ve all heard the term ‘law of attraction.’ We’ve witnessed it in life. There’s been enough time to observe it in action many times in one lifetime. And the sample size is just about everybody on the planet. So how can we apply our collective experience and knowledge to study this scientifically and gain even …

Daily Download

What truths were you hiding from yourself to have thought that perfection was not attainable? What if you only think that because you haven’t yet realized the perfection in yourself? Everything about you that you don’t love is there for you to love even more. Every wound. Every bit of pain from the past. Every …

The Three Trees of Life

To science effectively, a good communicator engages the audience. S/he speaks into the people’s understanding. And one of the single most effective methods of communicating uses analogies. This allows you to relate the concepts to any audience. View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile …

Daily Download

What if the only limitation of time you have is how you perceive it? If you choose to feel younger, you can. If you choose to make the most of time, you will. If you choose to create time, you will change your perception of time, noticing more free time as you do everything more …

The Way Through The Maze

I invite you to go on a journey, challenging the limits of your perception. What if we were simply mice in a maze? Imagine all of your intelligence being fully accessible as you view the world from a mouse’s perspective. Look out through a mouse’s eyes. Smell like a mouse does. Hear and feel your …

Daily Download

Give your fears to me. Together we can transmute them. Are you afraid of being hurt? Who has not ever felt this? And who can honestly say they won’t hurt the ones they love? So do you make promises? Promises lead to expectations, narrowing the range of possibilities, limiting the perception of the outcome. How …