Daily Download

Ever wish life has a cheat code like in a video game? It does. That’s in simply knowing that the outer world is projected from within. All of your perceptions of every external stimuli are inside your retinas, eardrums, and even under your skin. Go deeper. Now your behaviors, beliefs, and values are all running …

Daily Download

Simulation theory is supported by a lot of great minds on Earth today… But are those people even real? In essence, the theory that we are programmed or simulated is supported by evidence, but the modern interpretation adds an external “creator” programming the reality we live in. It’s a new twist on the classic version, …

Daily Download

What if polarity and duality we observe today is just a program? It is. It’s the human algorithm. Just like AI, the human brain operates using programs. They are stored in the subconscious. And these programs influence your values, beliefs, and behaviors. Until you become aware and learn how to customize your mindset. It’s the …

Daily Download

Have you ever used your eyes to see what happens inside the brain? How many ways do you think you can sense your own inner workings? And are we really ourselves, or is self image and identity just something made up in the brain? Do this with me. Point to yourself. Hold your hand out …

Daily Download

The universe is a projection. Space, time, and expansion are expressions of infinity. In order to make any sense of that, just to witness the miracle, computer processors are required to filter through infinite data and match that to the perceptions and limitations of the witness. Sounds like a simulation, doesn’t it? The question is, …

Portal to a New You Workshop

The universe has infinite possibilities that give you unlimited opportunities for your life. For every version of you, there is a universe where that’s already a reality, just waiting for you to real-eyes. Ask yourself, what is one area of life right now where you desire even more success, and having real-eyesed this, you’ll see …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Some people have said to me that the purpose of spirituality or religion is to give others a false sense of security based on fear of death–the concept of eternity has nothing to do with fear though. It’s not about escapism from reality. It’s about creating your reality. It’s about creating the …

Daily Download

The simulation is real! We are all programming–even the universe itself–and that’s what makes reality so real! It’s also what makes it possible to create your reality through the power of your own thoughts and intentions. Best of all, you get to observe how you’ve affected the program in real time! That’s why observation changes …

Daily Download

What if this all really just a simulation? Could it be that programming code takes on physical form with forces and matter, evolving into complex life seemingly by accident? Biology can be broken down to code. Chemistry can be broken down to code. Physics does too. Your subconscious operates by code. Reality is the graphical …

Daily Download

The universe being an illusion doesn’t make it any less real. Magick doesn’t mean anything is a trick. Being a part of a computer program or ‘simulation’ does not mean that any part of this creation is less real than you imagine. The truth is that it’s all real. And it’s all code. It’s all …

Daily Download

Knowing that the universe is fully programmable and every living being in this grand creation is the perfect execution of divine code, why is it that your experiences aren’t always in perfect alignment with who you know yourself to be? Why’s shit happen? The answer is simple: It’s to get your lessons. Your lessons help …

Bonus Advance Daily Download

Fairies are real man, you gotta believe me. You see, fairies are really much more than the eyes can see. Fairies are a different reality entirely, and that reality is your consciousness. Your thoughts and beliefs work to color your perceptions, allowing your mind to piece reality together. Your version of reality is unique to …

The Science of Beliefs

“Be careful what you say, because you speak it into existence.” People have told me this, but what does it really mean? In general, it shines a light on how we view things from a positive or a negative mindset. We can affect how we see things, yes. But what are the underlying reasons? Do people …


I remember now. I am not my body, nor my soul. I am a timeless, eternal consciousness manifesting itself as a universe with the building blocks of life in order to create self-aware conscious beings. Why? simply, to remember who I am. This is who we are. If you are reading this right now, it …

Soul Experience

We are a living expression of the soul of the universe… What would happen if you did not fear the infinite power held within the secrets of your soul? Can you imagine being able to grasp this power to create the exact life you need to grow and glow? This power is in every part …

Free the Mind

We spend most of our lives being conditioned. It’s everywhere. We are conditioned by our families, friends, schools, governments, religions, even social media! Seems like everybody has some idea for you on how you should think. How you should act. Sometime however, we wake up and shed away the layers of conditioning like a child running …