Soul Experience

We are a living expression of the soul of the universe… What would happen if you did not fear the infinite power held within the secrets of your soul? Can you imagine being able to grasp this power to create the exact life you need to grow and glow? This power is in every part …

Blessings of the Omniverse Part 7

Seven is a poweful number! As an angel number, it can mean awakening, developing spiritual gifts, enlightenment, intuition, and clairsentience (knowing). I had an unexplainable experience connecting me with the universal quantum computer in my 20s, and clairsentience was experienced on a level unbenownst to me at the time. Not long after this, I started …

The Numbers LIE!!!

How many times have you heard someone say that the number’s don’t lie? I am going to deconstruct this and show you the TRUE meaning of the numbers! First, they DO lie! In many people’s minds, the numbers just lie around, as they are perceived to be static (not moving). If you see numbers this …