The Present

Have you ever wondered what time is?  It is used to measure the progress of life from the beginning to the end of the universe.  It is a powerful tool.  With time, we can analyze our past to predict our future.  And when we have mastered this technique, we always come to the same conclusion …

Divine Timing

Last night I watched the premier of The Cosmos on primetime, after Simpsons and Family Guy.  I should probably mention that Simpsons and Family Guy are my favorite shows!  Is it merely a coincidence that one of the creators of Family Guy is an executive producer of the new show about everything in the universe …

Enlightened Mind

In my quest to explain the universe, the mind has been my greatest instrument.  My consciousness and identity is part of this mind, which is a nonphysical extension of my body.  It is an in-between state merging the human brain and the universal quantum computer.  Simply put, it is thought, emotion, perception, and intellect.  As …

The Cell of Life

Think you are whole?  Think again!  As it turns out, we are colonies of cells.  We evolved from a single-celled organism. Or did we?  We actually evolved chemically.  As entropy unfolds, the most likely formation of molecules becomes life (  Proteins form into amino acids, and a cell is formed once the cell wall is …

The Universal Brain

It may come as a surprise to many, yet others already know the universe’s secrets.  Here’s one that blows the doors off of what we understand about consciousness.  The universe and the brain are essentially the same.  The universe may seem larger, but it is a fractal repeating pattern.  What this means is this: as …

The Illusion of Reality

Even after completing Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse, I still found myself doing even more background research.  I also found how social media is a fantastic way to search for new topics.  When I find something of interest, I post it to my Omniverse page (  My blogs are cycled through WordPress, Twitter (#GrandSlamTheory), …

Book News!!!

I have great news for all!  In addition to publishing Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse, other writers and I have been invited to contribute blogs and articles to the Art of Living.  We enjoyed a week-long retreat with the organization led by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and I received insight into a new direction …

Missing Me

Ever wonder what it means to be human?  What am I?  I have a physical form – a body.  I have thought and emotions – the nonphysical.  These are linked to energy centers in the body that have been observed and measured – the chakra centers.  I also have fields.  The heart pumps blood throughout …


What does discovery mean to you?  Remember when you were a child and saw everything for the very first time?  THAT is discovery!  It doesn’t have to be something reserved for the scholars of society or “other people.”  It is your ability to perceive your surroundings and observe the true reality within.  You see, there …


Here’s some omniversal reasoning on why to give thanks.  Gratitude is an energy of giving back to the universe.  Biological life is a form of the physical manifestation of the universe created to perceive the surroundings and become aware of itself.  Sounds like a mouthful, doesn’t it?  What it means is this: you are the …

Intelligent Divine

This post isn’t about what you think it is – it’s about you!  You are the universe.  Every part of you, from the smallest quark to the largest galaxy cluster, consists of a series of decisions in order to exist.  The quark may have the simple life – starting from a virtual particle, it decides …

The Revelation

I am challenging myself to change the scientific landscape forever.  I am presenting the world with such profound knowledge that we will most likely need to rewrite textbooks about the universe and the Big Bang Theory.  But will we? In a conference with other new thought scientists, the question came up about the education system …

What is Life?

Have you ever wondered what had to happen in order for biological life to exist on our planet?  If it is possible here, is it possible elsewhere in the universe?  I bet you have wondered what the purpose of life is!  As I have found, we are one and the same with the universe – …

The Higgs Mechanism and the Omniverse Model

It was a discovery waiting 50 years to happen.  But on July 4, 2012, physicists announced that they had conclusively detected the effects of the “Goddamn particle” at the LHC.  Officially named after Dr. Peter Higgs, the elusive particle was finally found.  I have to admit, before the announcement, I didn’t know its significance, or …

year one is coming

9/27/2013 The publishing of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse begins today.  The book release is expected by this holiday season.  Hard cover, soft cover and ebooks will all be available at major retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Celebrate  the initiation of year one this 12/21 with infinite knowledge of our universe.  Stay …

Natural Intelligence

Today’s blog is about evolution.  But this covers more than biological evolution.  We will be delving into the psyche of the cosmic consciousness to determine if there is an intelligent decision-making process governing the creation of the universe, and contrast it to our modern viewpoints. The three most common descriptions of how we came to …

Validation for the Omniverse

I have some pretty big ideas about how the universe came to be.  I often wonder if anyone else thinks like me.  As it turns out, there are many!  I am very thankful to all of my followers on,, andTwitter.  If you haven’t yet, please follow for updates.  But this week’s news brings …