Daily Download

Looks like all the racists are back at it again… Triggered? Good! A message to the haters. You know who you are. If you’re mad about what’s going on, guess what. That’s a call for more compassion. You see, you had a core value in your subconscious programming triggered negatively. So if you are being …

Daily Download

Don’t say it can’t be done if you’re not even gonna try. That only leads to false limitations you put on yourself. And most of what we have available to us today is a result of someone in the past pushing beyond their own barriers and limiting beliefs to forge new territory, bringing the unknown …

Daily Download

What if the virus was going after only those with hate? Only those who haven’t resolved their internal struggle with anger and projecting their rage and dissent unto others unknowingly? What if it knows when you have hatred in your heart? Would it matter where hate came from, whether it’s your cultural programming, religion, or …

Daily Download

Are were alone? No, there’s over 7 billion humans. And many more animals, plants, and other organisms. But is there life out there? Life is within every cell of your being, yet if you cannot see it you won’t find life anywhere. Happiness is within every grain of your existence, but looking outside of yourself …

Daily Download

Do you choose to see the perfection of something that’s imperfect, or do you see imperfections in what’s already perfect? In this quantum expression of the universe, perfect and imperfect coexist. Everything’s perfect as it is in its state of being imperfect. It’s just how you decide to see things that determines what you see. …

Daily Download

Doing this one thing can create a major shift in your perspective: Stop seeing what you are against and instead see, hear, feel, and embody what you are FOR. That’s how you move FORward. That’s why we say when you change the way you see the world, the world around you changes. Because it does. …

Daily Download

Enlightenment is remembering who you are. And as we go through life, every little thing is a reminder. For us to remember. For everything you wake up to, you remember more of your true essence. You remember that which transcends space, time, and the physical laws. You remember that which transcends your very identity. You …

Daily Download

Sometimes the same things happen again… just to show you that you’ve changed. Sometimes the same story plays out in your mind again, but this time to show you that you’ve transcended it. This time it’s different. Maybe the cycles have been repeating for so long, they just had to show you one last time …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth:Your triggers are your greatest teachers. Why is that? Because it illuminates the values that shape your beliefs that drive your behaviors. Even a negative trigger can become a call to action in the right direction, aligning you with the highest positive intent of your value. And when you see things through a …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: We’ve all been programmed. Since in the womb we take in energy, vibrations, and language that build a framework for how we learn, who we trust, and ultimately what information fits the belief system we are programmed with at childhood (and even before). When you think other people act a certain way …

Daily Download

Secrets of the Omniverse: You are a badass transdimensional shape shifter!!! That’s what gives you the ability to move through shit. You’re not a snapshot in time, even if someone sees you that way only based on an old version of you from the past. And those old versions of you are obsolete because you …

Daily Download

What if categories were not boundaries? We humans categorize so we can understand something. We gain its hierarchy of order so we can know where it comes from, ultimately gaining more understanding of where we came from. And in all of the different varieties from our origin, we come from different cultures, territories, and understandings …

Daily Download

Whenever the mind takes you time traveling to the past or the future, let it. Because it always brings you back to the now. Yes the past has passed and the future is uncertain, and a lot of the “advice” floating around says don’t go there… But if you wanna find the shadows left by …

Daily Download

You ARE beautiful. You ARE sexy. You ARE enough. You ARE fun and exciting! You can just keep doing these exactly how you want to… The question is then, how does something negative work its way into this self-talk, and why do we believe it to be true? It’s like the mind creates all kinds …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Acceptance of things as they are isn’t a cop-out. It’s how you create space for change. Every heard someone say ‘that’s just the way things are’ and tell you that you can’t change it? That is the opposite of acceptance because it’s blocking the truth from them. And that’s totally a cop-out. …

Daily Download

Secrets of the Omniverse: Accepting things as they are without judgment allows you to act with even more love and compassion. Because acceptance is creation of something new. Look all the way down to the smallest sub-subatomic scale. Every single bit of energy in the matrix is perfect as is, not only because its own …

Daily Download

Imagine if… We valued the rarities of humanity that make us unique, like we value rare metals and gems. Go into that vision now. And tell me what’s different… What’s different when we value people more for being different instead of forcing homogeneity? What’s different when we celebrate our differences? What’s different when we love …

Daily Download

Leave shit at the door when you cross a threshold. You don’t have to take emotionally charged situations with you. Leave the charges behind and the lessons come with you naturally. So don’t be afraid to burn a few bridges and cut negative people that won’t support your continued growth. Treat life as if with …

Daily Download

The reason we give categories to things was simply to describe them in ways we already understand, not to force things to fit into a certain mold. The idea of polarization is a radicalization of the human psyche that gives the illusion that things must fit a certain preconceived idea without deviating from that. But …

Daily Download

You’re human. You you probably have some preconceived notions about the world around you based on past perceptions and social conditioning, that you continue to see. Your mind will keep finding information to fit this mold and present those parts of the world to you. So you’ll keep finding what you believe. That’s just how …