Daily Download

By transcending limiting thinking from your past, you allow yourself to enjoy more of what life has to offer for you right now. What if you simply did that? Allow yourself to enjoy life even more right now? What could you possibly be holding onto so much so that you wouldn’t do this one thing …

Daily Download

We are witnessing right now how certain language lends itself to our programming…The human perception can take things and add meaning to them. Like ‘social distancing.’ For me, I don’t like this combination of words. Because it means I can’t hug. So the coding in my brain has transformed the meaning of the term ‘social …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your linguistic patterns have the power to program you or to free you. It’s your choice, but most people have the default setting to be programmed. How do you know? Every action and behavior is coming from some level of programming, because on your core level, your brain codes everything. Your brain …

Daily Download

Who are you talking to when you are addressing someone? Are you looking at the physical body and its [inter]face? Is that who you think I AM? Do you speak to the life force that is the same throughout, including you? Do you speak to the consciousness channeled through the mind and into the body? …

Daily Download

You are a time traveler who’s infinitely coming back into the now. Because you have that ability built-in. It’s one of your higher senses! You have the innate ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward time. You can navigate through your timeline to perform a life review–finding lessons in every situation where in the past, you …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Until you’ve transcended your own bullshit, you’ll keep attracting the same thing in different people. This is why people say that “all wo/men are the same.” It’s because their mind is only open to one possibility based on their own patterns, behaviors, and attraction. It’s their karma. It’s pretty obvious however, when …

Mandatory Slay at Home

The Shield of Power Workshop

Mandatory Slay at Home is a program of transformational techniques designed and custom-tailored to exactly what you desire to work on in life. The one area that once transcended will see all other areas of life just falling right into place. The science of Slay is based on your brain’s neuroplasticity, which means you can …

Daily Download

Ever worry about how long it may take to accomplish your goals? Well allow this to put things into perspective: You are 13.8 billion years in the making. It took the universe this long just to make one of YOU. So perfection takes time and practice. The universe has to first make space for all …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The reason some people are hateful is simply because they’re being exposed to something that forces them to confront something within themselves that they’re afraid of. So it’s easier for them to project outward. It becomes easier to attack others, to judge, and condemn than to just acknowledge that they too have …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Duality is a mind-fuck. If at any time you believe that you or someone else has to pick a “side,” you’re falling into this trap. From a universal perspective, duality only exists within the illusion (the projection from source). What may seem like positive and negative energies are simply different spins of …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you’re unwilling to spend money on personal development, you’re unwilling to invest in yourself. And THAT’S exactly why you have problems with money. Because you’re creating limitations where you could be creating a mindset of abundance. Authentic people don’t ask for money to fix you or any kind of cosmetic bullshit. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t run humanity as a business. We tried that already. It was called slavery. Even after that and with all our modern technology and knowledge, we still try though. Banks lock people in debt to keep the money game going. Corporations treated as people reap the profits for only the top …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Life is not meant to ever go back to ways it once was. “Normal” was only an illusion based upon how you define the world from your perception of it. There never really was a “normal” when you think about it, wasn’t there? What if that illusion was only there for you …

Daily Download

You create your reality through your perception of the world. It’s the observer effect of quantum physics. What that does NOT mean is that you create every bad situation that happens. You control how you respond to situations, and that creates your reality by attracting the energy of your vibration in your responses. Not the …

Daily Download

You’ll never be alone when you’re your own best company. Especially when you love yourself–all of yourself–ungivingafuckedly. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. It doesn’t matter what other people have told you. It doesn’t matter how other people are programmed to believe that anything or anyone else is ever needed to be …

Daily Download

When you look up into higher physical dimensions, it’s just as much a shift in the dimensions as it is a shift in perception. You can go into your shadow to see yourself in higher dimensions, which creates that shift in perception. And to see things in a 4th physical dimension, it shifts the other …

Daily Download

Maybe nobody talks about this, but men get body shamed too. Men are judged by their appearance and physique too. More than half of men are shamed for being short. More than half. Because the median height is still short. And yes, men do get fat-shamed too. Not to mention penis shaming. And social status. …

Daily Download

I cried when I remembered what we were like before the virus. I remember seeing lots of people everywhere… everyone on a mission to do something… but completely out of sync with those around them. Completely unaware. Completely disconnected. I remember walking through crowded places, seeing faces, wanting to connect. But instead I saw fear. …