Daily Download

Ever hear people say the universe is cold? Then repeat it? That’s how it becomes a limiting belief. You tell your subconscious that’s what you want to see, and your nervous system is designed to show you more. Is that reality? Or a self-fulfilling prophecy… The universe actually contains a lot of energy. All of …

Daily Download

It’s pretty amazing how we are the afterlife of stars… How it took generations of stars living and dying to fuse together all our elements. The iron in your blood was spread throughout the early universe, and that’s in you. Water is everywhere in the universe we can observe as well… Some of the water …

Daily Download

Things aren’t always what they seem. Think of an atom. Remember what they looked like in the textbooks? Well they don’t look like that. They don’t always behave like particles either. They’re just energy. The nucleus is just the universe’s primordial soup that temporarily takes form. And electrons aren’t even particles. They’re fields of energy. …

Daily Download

Someone once asked if the universe can be described in one word… The answer that came to mind was oneness. It’s the original state of the universe. But the human mind, how it loves to perceive things as separate. We see stars and galaxies as far as light can travel over the linear timeline we …

Daily Download

The most interesting thing about duality is that it actually isn’t duality. Think of the “dualistic” nature of a particle… Energy is perceived as both particle and wave forms. But energy is just energy. One thing. It’s the human perception that creates the dualistic phases. The human mind likes to categorize. Think about the word …

Daily Download

There’s two powerful universal concepts that combined will blow your mind… There’s infinite possibilities right now in your field. You might not yet be aware of all of it (except when you are), because your subconscious mind filters it for your best understanding in this moment. And there’s infinite time. Instead of the “normal” linear …

Daily Download

Your legacy is not than just the past story you leave behind. It’s also the positive karma you leave forward. And all of that happens in the now by how you live in the present. That’s the gift! Each life has higher lessons that when learned, create positive karma. This builds upon itself, like having …

Daily Download

What if polarity and duality we observe today is just a program? It is. It’s the human algorithm. Just like AI, the human brain operates using programs. They are stored in the subconscious. And these programs influence your values, beliefs, and behaviors. Until you become aware and learn how to customize your mindset. It’s the …

Daily Download

Portals between worlds exist everywhere where your mind decides. Every turn. Every step. You’re a probability matrix processor shifting through multiple dimensions, perceiving energy, and turning it into your reality. Where there is the possibility you exist, you are here now. Let’s make something good out of it, shall we? =D

Daily Download

Einstein showed us that matter and energy are interchangeable. And that time is altered by velocity. His calculations predicted singularities that had only been imagined possible before him. Black holes. But what was beneath the surface was unknown. Unpredictable. That’s a good metaphor for life. What really happens beneath the surface is the interchanging of …

Daily Download

Sometimes the very nature of reality transcends language… Yet language transcends barriers, allowing a greater understanding. Whenever there’s polarization, it’s simply an invitation for a better understanding. When there’s an argument, it’s an opening for better communication. How each person perceives reality is perception. And at the exact moment you are ready… 💥Time isn’t linear. …

Daily Download

Music has the power to transform emotions into vibrations. And just like that, angels can also transform emotions into higher vibrations. It’s simply a transmutation of energy in consciousness. An aspect of your divine consciousness, just as I am a reflection of you and you are to me. We share the same life force yet …

Daily Download

The trinity of universal knowledge: The universe is artwork. And for art to be made, you need media and a creator, yes? Our universes are made in such a way. Space, although we’re taught is nothing, is the canvas of everything. Space transmits all energy. Space contains all matter and force. It is the canvas …

Daily Download

People love to give you insights on how to manifest. And what to manifest. Here is one secret buried in the knowledge… The key to manifesting isn’t about controlling what you manifest. Sometimes you get what you get and have to come to terms with the fact that you actually didn’t cause it or manifest …

Daily Download

Your energy connection to the universe is your consciousness — not just your own self-awareness. That’s how the ancients knew this lifetime affects 7 generations to come, and science now tells us the gut microbiome is affected for 7 generations. It’s how the mystics knew about your life review the moment of death, and how …

Daily Download

Obstacles aren’t really obstacles when you remember who you are… You’re a multidimensional, shape-shifting being of pure energy who transmorphed into the physical realm with a timeline to complete your mission of choosing. Every atom in you and all of your subatomic components are just tiny little bundles of energy. So doesn’t it make sense …

Daily Download

Cool science fact: We’re all just dreaming reality. Because your mind creates a waking hallucination by reading energy stimuli, translating through your perception, then matching up to your subconscious data bank of what’s known to you. Truth is we’re just floating through space reading energy as we go. We are energy reading energy. How cool …

Daily Download

The Big Bang is an optical illusion created by a ripple effect. The expansion of the universe is just like a ripple in a pond, expanding outward. And through the lens of time and space, our universe is projected from this surface. That means everything we call reality is superficial. It’s all part of the …

Daily Download

Prepare yourself to be surprised by how awesome your universe can be. Because it’s not always predictable. It may not always give you what you want. Yet somehow, things always push you in a direction, and where that takes you is up to you. You can’t manifest if you’re attached to what you manifest. But …

Daily Download

Omniversal law: Consciousness is communication with self. And it’s multifaceted… You’re communicating with yourself through your human vessel. Through your inner self. Your thoughts and actions. You’re communicating with yourself through reflections you observe as others. What comes up for you in the presence of what someone does or says? In that moment, you are …