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It’s crazy to think how fast we’re moving through space as our solar system rotates and swings around in the Milky Way, taking us on a voyage into never-encountered space each and every brand new moment. It’s even crazier to realize how fast we travel through infinite parallel universes — infinite possibilities — all within …

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You don’t have to have it all figured out. After all, you are the evolution of primordial quarks and gluons that make matter, atoms forged by generations of stars and spread throughout the early universe, and precursor molecules to life that form everywhere there’s water. This all happened so one spinning rock can come alive …

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If you are one of many who want to “escape the matrix” here’s a brief guide of beyond the surface consciousness. Time isn’t linear. All time exists all the time and can be perceived through any number of dimensions, not just 1. The physical world is a continuum. As above, so below. Every grain of …

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It wasn’t part of the backup data for the Omniverse model when I was writing my book — it just came to me intuitively. I described a way to perceive higher dimensions like stacking layers of maps. Then it hit me. I am not where I think I am. None of us are. The higher …

Daily Download

You might think that if the human mind operates like simple computer code then it could be programmable. And that would lead to the question, is there a secret door to enter into your hidden code? It is the breath. Changing your breath patterns changes your state… and your resources available given what states you …

Daily Download

There is a place within the mind where everybody goes but few know. It is stillness. Simply that. You might have heard people saying to silence the mind… This pushes away your thoughts that are coming up from the subconscious mind for processing. The subconscious mind knows when you are ready, and that’s why they …

Daily Download

What if you could fall in love with yourself so much so that you become manifested as every single aspect of the divine through every living thing and every being across all of the universes simply to witness yourself through infinite ways? Many will tell you what the divine mind is. Many will tell you …

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Ever wonder why the Earth keeps spinning? It’s to keep you moving forward At the speed she rotates, even if you tried waking backwards you still can’t sit still. Except maybe close to the poles. If you still desire to do so, you can still hold onto the past. Even though you are always moving …

Daily Download

What you attract is just what’s needed to show you what’s already present within you. Some people think they attracted wrong. Others seem to attract everything they need or desire with ease and grace! Why is that? It’s the programming code running in your subconscious mind. The subconscious can be perfectly aligned with goals, desires, …

Daily Download

A good friend once described to me what was in her mind was complete chaos. Timelines branching in every direction… She was perceiving 5D for the first time. When you see beyond linear time, you can see that another dimension of time simply branches off of the main timeline you perceive. Even with multiple dimensions …

Daily Download

How many walls are in most rooms? And how many dimensions of space and time are we taught to perceive? 4 Think that’s a coincidence? Or is it just different ways of expressing our own perceptual box? Schröedinger’s cat was nothing compared to the thought experiment that is how each and every individual experiences reality …

Daily Download

The universes aren’t exactly the way we’re taught… Our observable universe is just a projection. Just like how the subconscious mind projects itself to view the world around it from its own frame of reference (until one realizes one’s power to create). The universe is a projection from the event horizon of a singularity, and …

Daily Download

You’ve always known. The ashes of the stars are built into you, so doesn’t it just make sense that their cosmic knowledge is too? It’s no coincidence that ancient human knowledge described so much more than the eye could see into the universe at the time. Ancient mystics taught of orders of angels — analogies …

Daily Download

The Sun will shine upon Earth every day of our life. And with its radiance, the Sun supports life on Earth. That’s universal love in action — life through physical processes. What becomes even more interesting is that we are the soul of the Sun’s ancestors. It took generations of other suns to make this …

Daily Download

Surrender isn’t giving up. Surrender means you are now ready for transformation. It’s an acceptance of natural processes of growth and evolution. But you don’t have to give it a name. You don’t have to have a plan. It’s just natural processes happening through you. A flow. Simply that. When you strip away the filters …

Daily Download

Shatter the idea that you have to be the best at something to be successful at it. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing what you do for a long time or if you’re new at it. What matters is that you do it. No matter what they say, think, or tell you what to …

Daily Download

When we say you create ripples throughout the universe, remember this: Every bit of physical reality comes down to how energy is expressed. That’s why everything exists in duality — as both waves and particles. A particle is simply the convergence point of that wave’s energy interacting with the energy of what’s around it at …

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Science says this new optical illusion is seen by 80% of humans. I didn’t see it until I read that those people can see the center expand when it is focused on. But science also says that nobody knows why the brain makes the image expand. The answer is right there in front of us… …

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Science shows us that objects taking up space in higher dimensions can be viewed in the 3 physical dimensions humans perceive. And that time as we know it may not just be a single fixed dimension. We only perceive it that way. The science of the mind tells you that the subconscious filters data from …

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You were taught about light wrong. And that’s ok. Because that gives you a chance to discover something new again… Mirrors don’t reflect a beam of photons. When photons strike a reflective surface, they are absorbed by the electron fields of the surface’s atoms. You were probably also taught that an electron is a particle …