Daily Download

So you’re spiritual? You talk the talk, yes. And what do you intend to find within yourself? Inner peace? Well you gotta walk the walk. It ain’t about a bunch of positivity. It’s not about speaking of divine love. It sure as shit ain’t about appearance. This is different this time. We’re all being tested. …

Daily Download

Be your own president. You’re the one in charge of yourself after all. Others may blame external circumstances, but when you go within, you see that you already have everything you need. You have values and beliefs custom tailored to your experience. And they’re exactly as unique as you! So wouldn’t you be the one …

Daily Download

“Know that I am God. The way to God is through me.” Although accused of blasphemy for saying this, what if it wasn’t just a claim by Jeshua? What if it’s a proclamation? One that is true for us all! Make this proclamation a chant as you notice how effortlessly it sinks in and is …

Daily Download

I want to be hurt. I want to be heartbroken. Why would I say such things? Because I am vulnerable, for one. In the past, I’ve pushed away from hurt. I’ve run away from pain. I’ve even healed myself around the heartbreak. But I didn’t face it, and that became evident by seeing how others …

Daily Download

Now, more than ever, you are being called. This calling is to rise above the hate, fear, anger, and violence. People justify hate against hate. So stop justifying. End righteousness to embrace togetherness. You are being called forth to revolt, but it is in new empoweringing ways. The (R)evolution is upon us, and the world …

Food for the Soul

You can redirect your energy. Even when it seems the world is against you or you’re against all odds. Being against anything is a great way to not get anything done. It’s like pushing on a door that says pull. And that’s how the universe works! You enter through a door to create your own …

Daily Download

This is how spirit sees us: We’re all fucked up about shit thinking it’s the end of the world or something, and spirit be like, wow look at this amazing opportunity to learn our lessons and heal! So next time you’re feeling stuck in surface mind thought, step it up to see how your higher …

Daily Download

Are you afraid of being too close? Or do you feel like you’d give anything to be with someone? Whatever it is that comes up for you is inviting you to an even bigger realization about yourself. What part of you are you pretending not to put forward in relationships? What can you learn from …

Daily Download

Heal the waters that flow within. In you is a river of everlasting abundance of life force pulsing in and through you. Its not just the water you’re composed of–it’s the very substance of the universe channelling through every cell of your being. And when you heal your own rivers, you honor the natural flow …

4 Keys to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential

There’s a sure-fire way to be in even more harmonious alignment with the universe. And when you are in this alignment, all things happening are synchronicities. You become better aligned with Gaia, the nature consciousness. You become more compassionate with the living beings on this planet. You attract like qualities in the people around you. …

The Science of the Impossible

From what conditioning have you been pretending to have thought that modern scientific advances are made by accident? What truths have you then been hiding from yourself about the process of discovery? How did you put forth the illusion that you were not an active part of this human awakening? Now you’re ready for what’s …

Daily Download

When you’re in a thunderstorm you don’t want to be positive. Because lightning strikes. You want to find safety first. This same approach can be used for loved ones with depression or anxiety. You don’t need to pick them up out of it. Be present. Be their shelter from the storm. You will get through …

Daily Download

Stop seeing people the way you have. You’re not perfect yet not held down by any weakness. However you choose to see another is a reflection of how you see yourself. Truth is, you are all of those things all together. That is why I invite you to view from this perspective. Be real with me. …

Daily Download

You are a force to be reckoned with. A true force of nature! The biggest fear people have isn’t what others think of them–it’s fear of their own power! If you could harvest the energy from a single atom from yourself, you could power the entire world. You are that powerful. And when you transmute …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you are able to love so deeply and unconditionally that all you see are beautiful souls everywhere, some people may actually think you have a weakness. Rest assured knowing this is not your weakness. Rather, it is a projection by the others’ weakness onto you. Shake it off! You don’t need …

Daily Download

Have you forgotten who you are? Have you forgotten why you chose to come into this existence? You came here from eternal bliss, universal love, and infinite possibilities to bring this with you to the dimensions of the living. You are not here for any other reason than to benefit this realm of consciousness with …

Daily Download

When you stand against something-anything-you stand against yourself. When you stand for something, you stand with your guides, your angels, your God consciousness, and yourself. So wouldn’t you rather flow with universal love as you honor yourself and your highest intentions for the healing of our people and our planet simply by turning inwards to …

Daily Download

There’s a science to hope… Deep down in your subconscious, your conditioning throughout life creates biases. These biases become prejudice, and prejudice then becomes belief. Belief is how your subconscious attracts from the field of infinite possibilities around you, creating the world that you see. Your reality is just as unique as you. The problem …