Daily Download

My wings are your wings. With them I am here to serve. To ground. To protect. To create sacred space. To hold you. To uplift you. To empower. You see, they were never meant for me. Only as a way I can see. Only as a way I can be. I will send them everywhere …

Daily Download

You have a secret CEO. Your CEO manages in such a way to keep you on track on your life purpose. With tools like dashboard view, your CEO checks all the vital statistics just as if you’re running a company. Your CEO doesn’t ever need to get bogged down in details as you live your …

Daily Download

The world benefits from your presence. Somehow, somewhere, something is improving because of what you’re doing. I know, we have many people focused on being entrepreneurs and making money. Some judge their own success by the number of followers or subscribers. There’s still a higher intent behind the services and goods provided, even if you …

Daily Download

Rather than just saying that things happen for a reason or “it is what it is,” notice how you can raise the vibration of your language, changing the very meaning and opening up a whole new world of possibilities. What if instead you said “everything happens on purpose?” How does this change things for you …

Daily Download

​Blunt Force Truth: There is no fully enlightened. Enlightenment is knowing yourself and honoring your emotions. All of them. Even the ones that hurt. And enlightenment is knowing that the spiritual level of knowledge and emotional stability is already with you in higher consciousness. Just know it is there, and allow yourself to be present. …

Daily Download

One by one. Like kernels of corn, we’re all surrounded by the same environment. When the conditions are right for one to pop, we all start popping. This is the nature of awakening. One by one, we all pop. Our human nature provides the environment. It is within our nature to use resources of the …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you don’t believe in something, what you are focusing on not believing is the same thing you’d be focused on believing if you believed, right? So why are you focused on something you don’t believe in? You see, the power of belief shapes the frame of reference with which the subconscious …

Daily Download

Healers heal others to heal themselves. That’s the real beauty of this exchange of energy. Being in service of others allows one to dissociate from the typical 1st person point of view. And that’s where the magic happens. We simply observe. We witness miracles in action! And we see the connectedness. We are all infinite …

Daily Download

You can give love. Always. Because it comes from an infinite source. So you see, you can just keep giving. There can never be a shortage. If you ever feel drained, ask yourself if there’s a blockage. Then let love flow through where it was once blocked as you transcend limiting beliefs or past trauma …

Daily Download

Awesomvescence – that feeling you get when you have so much awesomeness that it effervesces your bubbly goodness to those around you. As your vibration continues increasing, it is felt around you like the ripples you create and the light you radiate. All this and more combined to make your juicy fizziness. So be bubbly! …

Daily Download

Raising your core vibration may seem to make it difficult to appeal to many. But it really makes it easier to be with the right people. This happens naturally by the ripple effect you create with your waves. Your ever-increasing vibrations allow your energetic self to shed your skin as you spin off your attachments. …

Daily Download

Notice how easily you can imagine water flowing from an infinite source, carving out mountains as the landscape is created right in front of your eyes. See in timeless time. Hear the rivers gushing with currents. Feel the fluid environment as if it were washing through you right here and now. Let it cascade from …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Many post messages with the intent of uplifting, yet few utilize the power of language to do so. This is a projection from their perception based on the conditions they’ve surrounded theirselves with. Using words like stop, don’t, never, can’t, or won’t aren’t really very encouraging or positive are they? Just know …

Daily Download

The heart can never be confused. It knows exactly what to do all of the time. Yes, all the time. Just like the flow of blood through the body, the heart regulates the flow of love through your energy field. So when the heart says “I love,” listen! It’s not confused. Maybe you told yourself …

Scientific Evidence of the Akashic Records Found Hiding in Plain Sight

Can you imagine how you’d react if nothing you were ever told was true AND none of it was a lie? Nobody purposely misled you. Everything you believed to be true was what you allowed to be true. And that’s how your brain programmed itself to perceive that which you thought to be true. And with …

Daily Download

Our worlds converged. It happened in an instant. It lasted an eternity. All pathways led to one outcome, and what happens now is on purpose. Everything in our past had to happen for us to be right where we are now. The past cleared the way. Where will we go now? Do our paths lead …

Daily Download

Life is magic. To say that reality is illusion doesn’t really do it justice. You see, everything in this universe is energy. Once it starts vibrating, it can no longer hold itself in. The Big Bang happens as space is created and the energy expands. This core is projected to every single particle of force, …