One of the greatest things in science happened yesterday. The late Dr Hawking had solved a decades-long debate before he passed away: the information paradox. Yesterday a real observation proved his solution to be true.
In the grand scheme of things, what does this really mean for us?
How does it improve your life knowing that information (energy) can never be destroyed, not even in black holes?
Your life improves knowing this: the same programming code that makes the universe work is what makes your mind work.
The more we understand about space, black holes, and the universe, the more we know about ourselves.
The more you know about the programming code that makes it all ‘real,’ the easier it gets to decode the things in life that in the past, seemed to hold you back in some way.
Science makes it possible to hack reality.
It helps to listen to your own inner voice first, to allow him or her to be heard. You can look back, not to bind yourself to the same patterns of the past, but to unravel them and change patterns for good.
To see where you’ve been programmed helps to understand the nature of the programming.
Things like collective beliefs are programs.
Actions you take are programs.
Even emotions you feel are programs.
They’re wired in your brain following the same neural pathways that were wired from your very first experiences.
When science says that energy is not lost because the event horizon grows as it absorbs new information, that applies to how your own consciousness grows.
It’s like your event horizon.
And as with black hole mergers, consciousness is continually merging and growing.
That means you’re getting more powerful.
So decode your own programming, layer by layer, and step into new versions of yourself even more capable of accomplishing everything you want to accomplish. Even more able to love who and what you love.
As love grows, so does consciousness.
Because science.