The Higgs Mechanism and the Omniverse Model

It was a discovery waiting 50 years to happen.  But on July 4, 2012, physicists announced that they had conclusively detected the effects of the “Goddamn particle” at the LHC.  Officially named after Dr. Peter Higgs, the elusive particle was finally found.  I have to admit, before the announcement, I didn’t know its significance, or even what it was.  I read Dr. Lisa Randall’s ebook published about the 2012 finding, The Higgs Discovery, and learned what it was about.  This may shock you, since all the media does is talk about the particle, or boson: The most important part is the Higgs mechanism.  And we have Peter Higgs and Francois Englert (and all of their help) to thank.


The mechanism is the process by which the boson works its magic.  A Higgs field was first proposed, which was similar to a magnetic field but with a different kind of “charge.”  One that permeates the entire universe.  A particle’s interaction with the field gives rise to the Higgs boson for just a split second, and then it’s gone.  But it left the particle with mass, one of the most important properties in order for it to attract other particles and form matter.  By interacting with the field, the particle not only gained its mass, but it also “fell” from a higher state of energy into a lower one.  Thus, a particle’s preferred symmetry exists in a lower state of energy.  Kind of like sitting on a couch, then just sinking in and getting comfortable!

But here’s the cool part: In 2012, I was doing my background research for my pre-Big Bang proposal, Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse (coming to stores near the 2013 holiday season).  But when I read this, I realized I was proposing something very similar – but with the entire universe when it was just a singularity.  I wrote that the universe had to be held stable when in its pre-Big Bang singularity state, and something had to happen to initiate inflation.  This is the beginning of the Big Bang when space unfolded faster than light. 

How is this similar to the Higgs mechanism?  When the pre-Big Bang singularity was in a stable state, it was in a higher energy field and moved to a lower energy field, similar to the Higgs field.  Scientists think the Higgs field in the early universe at some point was “turned on,” and this may explain how.  When the singularity dropped to a lower state of energy, then it became unstable and the Big Bang occurred.  Therefore, in a similar fashion as the Higgs mechanism giving a particle mass, a similar mechanism gave the universe space!  Just by falling from a higher energy state to a lower one.

Look for my book release later this year to provide more details in how the Omniverse model works.  It is able to explain the question of what happened before the Big Bang, while still agreeing with the Inflationary Big Bang Theory, classical relativity, and quantum physics.  And to top it off, it also explains how expansion in the universe occurs.  It is so simple, it will change the way we view our universe forever.  For more information, follow my blog and facebook Omniverse page, and go to to download the free white paper explaining the mechanism.


The Higgs boson detection at LHC.  Image credit: CERN