The way neuroscientists study how information is stored in the brain is very similar to how data is stored in magnetic platters of a hard disc. The bits of data are there, arranged in specific patterns. That’s our machine language. And how we perceive that data is completely different than how it’s stored. Operating systems provide a graphical user interface and a file structure so you can look information up. So you can structure the files and navigate through them.
The Human OS provides a similar approach to interfacing data–multidimensionally.
You can view your psyche 3-dimensionally. Imagine a large building filled with offices and rooms to store categorized data. This stuff goes in this room, this other stuff will go here in another room, and so on. How that data changes over time, and how more data is acquired related to that room, gives you a 4-dimensional approach. When you view these dimensions as shadows of your higher self, now you’re using a 5-dimensional approach. And yes, there’s much more! But first…
Here’s how you interface the data in your graphical user interface: At the time a file is initiated, a copy of yourself at whatever age is saved into this room with all of the emotional attributes of an event, place, or interaction with a person.
That’s your inner child.
And for every time you’ve been hurt (yes, every time), this child was saved with the associated emotional pain, into a room within your psyche.
There are different types of rooms, too. Your root cause events are typically before 5 years old, in the womb, or before conception: genealogy (stored in your DNA), evolutionary (stored in mitochondrial DNA), and past/parallel lives (stored in your energy body/mind).
Root cause events result in the brain’s neural networks being wired up around the event. Significant events happen throughout life, and your brain follows the same neural pathways as the root cause (why do you think anger makes you act child-like?). So the rooms in your GUI are going to be tied together–you could see an entire floor filled with significant events tied to a single root cause. One room will lead back through another room, and as you see how deep the rabbit hole goes, you find your way to root causes. Yea, that’s plural. Because there’s work to do! What’s next is a full defragmentation of your psyche…
When you do shadow work, you’re allowing you higher self to navigate this data in 5 dimensions (or more).
Ready to navigate? Your going to find yourself, in a moment not just yet, walking through the floors, opening doors. Before you do so, notice how you will easily remember that for each inner child behind every one of those doors, they could have been there for a long time. Isolated. Ignored. Pushed away. They might even be shackled in chains and bondage.
They have been locked away for ages, so you are not going to magically open that door and see your inner child come right out (unless you do). Because you’ve repressed memories, you’ve regressed memories, and you’ve tried to close off memories of old pain. That’s just how it works. You locked the doors to forget about it. Now you’re going back in. They’re going to be afraid. They’re going to be hurt. They might not even know who you are or trust you. And your job is NOT to try to guide them. You are NOT here to question them, or even heal them.
Your job is to give you inner child a safe space. That’s all.
Are you ready to open your first door? You might have to revisit this space as many times as possible to get a result. Be prepared. Drop any expectations or attachments to outcome. Get ready to witness and observe. You are your higher self entering this space simply to create space for your inner child…
When you’re ready, and whenever that is will be the perfect time for you, go ahead and slowly open that door. Don’t announce yourself. There’s no big show–no healer, no angels or spirit guides–just you. Be soft in your approach as you enter. Notice everything around you in this room. You might not even see your inner child yet. That’s ok, remember how s/he’s been locked away for a long time. Now sit. That is all. Do nothing.
When you’re ready, you can get up quietly and leave, taking only memories of what you’ve witnessed. What happened? Did you see your inner child? Did they come out? Did they speak or interact with you? It may take time, so be patient. This is a daily practice for you now.
Take as much time as you need before returning, and when you’re ready, simply repeat these steps. Take a mental inventory of progress you’re making with your inner child in this room. Eventually, s/he will come out. S/he will interact. S/he will speak. And s/he will heal. All s/he ever needed was a chance to have a voice. You are giving that chance. S/he will sit with you when s/he is ready to heal. Just repeat as necessary…
The next step is to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Let your healing lead you to other rooms on this floor. Gently open each door, witnessing each inner child. They all heal when the time is perfect for each and every one. You’re just creating the space. This may take time.
When you’re ready, now you can approach another level. Room-by-room and level-by-level, you’re going to get through this. What if right now, we future paced so you can see yourself doing just that? Notice how easily you can now witness yourself navigating through the halls. See yourself climbing the levels, freeing up all of the parts of you as they heal.
Now you’re taking the 6th dimensional approach to healing. You’re seeing yourself in multiple levels, opening all the doors, one-by-one, and sitting with each and every inner child. Be patient with yourself. This does take practice. And with time, you do get better.
Ok, wanna little bonus advance teaching?
The building isn’t the only approach to how your mind stores data. You might have your life in one building, and you can see that there’s other buildings surrounding this one. Your family and ancestry have you information to store. You’re creating cities. Things are passed down epigenetically and even through mitochondrial DNA (which is a lot of information).
Your 7th dimension is seeing yourself opening doors of an entire city. Your 8th dimension is doing the same for your past/parallel lives. Yes, you ARE that powerful! In this country, time doesn’t exist like it does for the surface mind. You are timeless in your multidimensional approach to healing yourself and your parallel lives. Everything is as if it’s happening right now.
Because even in just reading this, your healing is already happening now. Just knowing this has already unlocked the first door. And now you’re going to find out just how far the rabbit hole goes… You are transcending entire worlds!