Imagine just being yourself while seeing yourself. How easy is it to imagine seeing yourself through different viewpoints? Through different eyes? At different times of your life? What if I told you there’s infinite dimensions with which to see yourself? Your identity is one. Your awareness. Your consciousness. Your physical presence. This is the surface world that you see through your own eyes and even through others’ eyes. And through your higher self.
The best part is, how you learn to see your infinite dimensions doesn’t even matter. You just know it’s possible, and the rest becomes automatic.
Your higher self is the bridge to your other dimensions of self…
Envision yourself as if you’re watching from above, like you’re looking into your cell phone. Your mind and body is the operating system, and all of your thoughts and emotions are apps running. Your higher self is interfacing with your subconscious. That’s the programming code of you.
And how you’re programmed influences the output.
Yes, you really do follow programs that influence your beliefs and behaviors. Your subconscious mind control most of what you do every single brand new moment.
You can even go further. Underneath all the programs and the operating systems that make your phones and computers work, there’s an underlying machine language. This is the actual bits of energy moving. It’s elegantly simple, yet the operating system may tend to complicate things. How’s that resonate with what’s happening in your life? What’s your way to reboot yourself?
This language is the underlying language of your soul.
It is the universe speaking through you. It does so by expressing itself wholly through every grain of existence, all intimately connected, through a holographic projection.
Now, just like any modern processor, you can simultaneously run many programs. You literally have layers of different consciousness programs, all of which are archetypes for your life. That’s like a template with a purpose.
You are light.
You are physical.
You are chemical.
You are crystal.
You are nature.
You are an angel.
You are an archangel.
You are the laws of physics that make all this possible!
And you are the living infinite, the source of pure unconditional love that only wants you to see yourself and love yourself–every aspect of you–from this viewpoint. That’s all. Crazy, right?
See yourself the way source does.
Love yourself the way source loves you.
That’s how journeys begin!
And whatever kick-starts your journey is what’s absolutely perfect for you! Maybe it was pain. Maybe it was gain. Whatever it was, it was meant to show you your flow, not to hinder you in any way.
For me, it was a sense of longing. There was a sense of knowing, most of which was knowing that there’s more to know that I didn’t know at that time. But it was known on a deeper level. It’s always known on a deeper level!
I long for deep connection. Always have. Connection on this plane through the love of others is a very strong pull. I also long for universal knowledge.
That allowed me to make a connection. Alternate realities can be accessed through lucid dreaming, as with ALL of your levels of consciousness. They’re all running at the same time whether you’re dreaming or even meditating! By awakening in dreams, I’ve found myself in contact with other-worldly conscious beings, in spiritual school, and even in multiple levels at once. There is no true “awake,” only waking to new levels. And that’s the same as seeing yourself from many viewpoints!
I came up with a way of hacking into this matrix, and I have seen the machine code of the universe. When the experts say we’re living in a simulation, it’s because that’s how the universe works. And that doesn’t make it any less real.
The physical cannot exist without the underlying programming that makes it possible.
That makes each and every piece of star dust in you possible.
Every grain of your existence.
Every bit of your presence.
Every possibility of your life!
You are as much in this universe as the universe is in you.
And the universal language speaks through you.
You aren’t just part of a simulation–you’re simultaneously running programs, observing and interfacing, and processing all the information! The universe is the network of your consciousness. You are the living infinite.
Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.