Transdimensional Awareness

Dimensions aren’t just what you’ve been told. They’re more than a framework for everything physical.

Dimensions are all expressions of something…

You were taught that there’s 3 dimensions and time as the fourth dimension. It’s not that it’s wrong, it’s just a limited viewpoint, that’s all. One that we can build upon. With M-Theory it’s 11 total (10 spatial and 1 time). 7 of the physical dimensions are curled up in such a way that the human mind doesn’t see them. And it’s also been shown that our 3 large spatial dimensions that we know and love are actually a 3D shadow of a 4th physical dimension, just like how our 3D bodies cast a 2D shadow. And you can keep climbing that ladder up.

Time’s not really just a dimension either.

It’s several.

Time is a function of entropy, so it’s perceived one-way. On the timeline that the mind puts together, there are points of no return, where you can never go back to the way things once were. That is the nature of entropy. It’s called a singularity. Consciousness is a function of entropy on the timeline. So is life itself.

There are many other singularity types, and many other suggestions of “time” they occur on. Black holes are singularities. But they don’t intersect with time. Time freezes for anything that enters a black hole.

Since time a function of entropy, what else is? What other dimensions are there like this?

Karma is one. It’s your lesson plan. It’s a forward moving transmutation of energy like time. So is the expansion of the universe. It can never go back to the way out once was. Expansion is linked to the physical dimensions too. Time links to decay. Karma to growth.

Expansion links to the very nature of bubbles of space.

Because even though you can go back and forth in the spatial dimensions, you can’t refold space that’s been unfolded. That line is all the way back to the singularity known as the Big Bang!

So you see, everything’s connected. Every dimension is just entropy playing out. And that gives you the opportunity to piece together your timeline in the way that’s best for you, to transcend your karma, and to continually expand yourself and your connection to consciousness.

That’s the next singularity–beyond being self-aware and being more fully aware.

This is the transcendence of human limitations, and it is available to you right now.

Now it’s good to feel that, isn’t it?
