We’re Living in a Simulation, But Who’s in Control?

Lots of tech experts and scientists agree that chances are very high that we are actually living within a computer simulation. The physics of the universe follows a basic kind of programming code from start to finish. And the biomolecular building blocks of life also have their own programming code. They’re basically robots and 3D printers that create life from energy that’s manifested as matter.

Even your subconscious mind operates via programming code. Everything that drives your actions, behaviors, and beliefs is driven by your underlying code. There’s no doubt that “reality” is a computer program. Just listen to all of the experts talking about it!

But there’s one thing they’re not talking about…

There’s something they don’t yet know, even though it’s known on a cellular level. It’s known in every grain of your being. Every single bit of your existence. This one shift simply brings you into a state of awareness of this:

The experts say that if there a simulation, someone must be creating the simulation. They’re wrong. That’s the same premise of handing over your control to God to be responsible for creating your life. No.

You are responsible for your life.

You are creating your life as we speak.

And you are the one making choices and decisions that update your underlying computer code that drives the results you’ve been getting in life. Your changes in course affect those underlying values that attract even more of what the subconscious programming is focused on.

So what happens when the subconscious focuses on something external to create your life?

You give your power away.

By choice.

And you don’t give yourself the credit you deserve.

Think about where else that has been showing up in life… Do you downplay yourself? Do you sell yourself short? Do you experience problems in life? Or do you fully embody a sense of self love in every grain of your existence?

It makes a big difference.

It tunes your subconscious programming. So if you externalize your power, giving it away, you are telling your subconscious to focus only on the options of a limited version of yourself. Then the subconscious tries to find just that. It’ll delete information that doesn’t fit this limited mold, generalize stuff to fit, and distort information to match your underlying code. That’s just how it works.

You create a self-fulfilling prophecy where the subconscious finds exactly what your mind is focused on.

Until you wake up.

Because when you unlimit yourself, even more of infinite possibilities that are available to you everywhere and all the time, are present. You can pick and choose which possibilities for best for you. You can change out old belief patterns that no longer serve you for positive empowering beliefs.

One-by-one, you take down your blocks. You clean your belief system. You make change in your life. For good.

The subconscious programming is far more powerful than just that. It is where your higher senses reside.

Psychic abilities.

Pure knowing.

The subconscious mind taps you into the ultimate power within…

You can access other programs running in your consciousness.



The laws of physics.

It’s all possible. All from within. There’s nothing you aren’t capable of when you learn to use your powers for good. That’s why you’re here on purpose.

Look at today’s great minds to see examples of how you can apply your own greatness. Art. Science. Music. Self expression. Geniosity. It’s all available to you in the now. And many people are perfect example of the absolute embodiment of something you want to manifest in yourself.

Michio Kaku is one such inspiration of mine. He inspired me to think of the underlying mechanism of the Omniverse. He stated that someday, someone would come up with a simple equation, one inch long, that described everything in the universe. The Omniverse put everything in a diagram.

Michio Kaku also has said that the most complex computer in the known observable universe is sitting right on top of your shoulders. Your brain is the most complex computer we know. That says a lot!

So, when you choose not to limit your power, you see that everything is within. All of the subconscious programming drives what you attract in life. It changes your perception, and that changes your surroundings. It puts the power of God consciousness into your hands.

You create your life.

When you truly see this from your highest expression of self, you realize just how powerful you really are. Because this “simulation” isn’t being run from a computer in God’s lab.

Your brain is the supercomputer.

Your brain generates the programming language that’s communicated to every corner of the universe because the universe is withing every single bit of your existence. It’s all connected. It’s all entangled.

That programming language is expressed in a way that attracts exactly what you are perceiving. Your perception changes the outcome. Your awareness changes the outcome by changing your reaction to responding. You have the power.

Your perception is the perpetual observation of all things within–the entire universe. That observation is what gives objects in the universe the power to be. Simply to be. An object is every single variation of itself until the time at which it is observed.

Your consciousness observes everything.

That’s how you have the power of creation.

What you do with your power is exactly what’s perfect for where you are in your stage of growth and evolution.

And we all who’ve because we are all connected. One love. One consciousness. Infinite minds. That’s some serious networked supercomputing power!

Your brain goes further than just harvesting energy into the physical via the observer effect.

You create time.

Your perception allows you to see the infinite expression of all things, by seeing them changing over time.

You get to create new dimensions with which to core the program you’re running. You elevate your consciousness level by level as you perceive even more dimensions. People used to think Earth was flat. Then they thought it was 3 dimensions. The current model is 11. And that corresponds perfectly to the 11-dimensional structure of thought processes in the brain.

Your brain is a supercomputer.

And it’s running the simulation of the entire universe.

Because it is all within.

Is this something people don’t want us to know? Hardly. The fact is, people operate from their programming, and we’ve been externalising our power for thousands of years, leading up to some serious social conditioning we’ve allowed into our programming code, limiting the very ways we think of ourselves!

You’re programmed to be that way.

Until the moment you decide to overcome it.

That’s why it’s important for you to see your power now. This isn’t a secret. Ancients knew. In modern times we’ve just temporarily forgotten. And now we’re walking up and remembering.

You are the most powerful force in the known universe.

And you are fully within your power to create a better now.

Do that.

This simulation gets better every day.

You ARE what you create. And it’s good to know this now, isn’t it?

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
