What Is The Unified Field?

It’s called universe because it’s a unified field of infinite possibilities. The universe is a quantum computer that is essentially a probability matrix. All probabilities exist all the time. Every probability of time, space, and expansion.

Your mind already knows this.

Your mind is attuned to pick up and receive bandwidth from this unified field of possibilities. Your subconscious programming installs your reality by filtering the unified field into exactly what you’re seeing and experiencing.

Your mind works in the same way. It’s unified too.

You’re unified.

Everything’s unified!

When your brain responds to a stimulus, it’s actually filtering through every possibility before anything even happens. So your brain has predictive capability that it uses to respond to situations before they even happen. And so you’re always ready for what’s next, yes?

Your emotions work in the same way. Every possible emotion from every possible response is already present within your mind. Your subconscious presents each one for the conscious mind to choose for any given situation.

Yes, you can choose what emotions you experience.

Yes, you have the power.

Once you have chosen any emotion in response to something, the mind makes it real, and the brain tells your body’s endocrine system which chemicals to produce to feel that emotion.

Because you are a universal unified field!

The field of possibilities goes well beyond your own bandwidth of consciousness, your programming, and your responses too.

The field is all consciousness.

Every single virtual particle, cycling in and out of existence, chooses to be and attracts a partner with which to build its reality. It projects itself into the canvas of space using ever-present energy. Everything in every possibility of every parallel universe is built this way. And everything attracts that which is perfect for it to form the next version of itself.

We talk about universal consciousness, the floor of love that is the underlying energy making this all possible. Humans equate this to God–ever-present and all knowing. But this level of creation doesn’t need an overlooker to make it happen.

Everything knows exactly what it needs to attract to make it happen.

From the universal consciousness standpoint, this is simply a knowing. Knowing that everything is perfect as is and that everything attracts exactly what it needs. Physically, this is one of the laws of thermodynamics–increasing entropy. Order to chaos. Life arises from chaos, as does consciousness and self-awareness.

This eliminates the need for a central Creator and places this power within every single individual.

You are the Creator of your own reality.

I mean, just look how far you’ve gotten up until now! Your body, your connection to the unified field, and your growth and evolution are all thanks to you!

You are trillions of trillions of particles of synchronized vibrating energy all coming together to create life, and that’s just what you’ve done after all!

And this very process of self-creation enables you to grow further. To expand your bandwidth. Your self-awareness. To tap into universal consciousness even more every brand new moment.

In doing so, you’ll experience new levels of reality. New dimensions. New parallel universe and parallel versions of you, past, present and future.

As you ascend, you experience heightened senses. How many have already been feeling that? Your on the right path! With these heightened senses, you experience what’s commonly known as psychic powers. What there are really is just your connection to the unified field.

You’ll experience many more levels of archetypes to apply to your awareness and accomplish even more on this path with your higher purpose–ascended masters, angels, and even aliens.

Yes, everything’s connected through this universal unified field. And that means everything available to you right now. Every bit of information. Every timeline. Every dimension. The universe is full of life waiting for you to make contact (not the other way around).

Elevate yourself and the universe opens herself up to you.

All because everything connected. And this is made possible because the universe, and all of her parallels, are one singularity. One single point with all of the energy and information always present and infinite possibilities. One computer running it’s code through you and everyone else.

How you choose to execute the code is up to you.

And that’s why you see the world in front of you as you do.

It’s also an opportunity for you to self-reflect and change the way you see your world.

Because the true power isn’t just creating reality–it’s witnessing it.

That’s what allows each and every seemingly separate part to attract from this unified field exactly what it needs for its next stage of evolution. It’s trusting that everything happens on purpose. It’s surrendering into this divine flow of love that permeates all. It’s being the highest expression of your consciousness.

Just witness.

You’ll see miracles happening every day.

You’ll see within yourself, every possibility you can be and every possible response, allowing your own intuition to bring the best response to you. That’s way better than reacting, isn’t it?

Witnessing is an all new way of being.

And it’s as easy as breathing. Take a deep breath now. Simply witness where the oxygen flows in your body. Feel it ever-present. Now let go.

Ain’t it good to know that this is all possible right now as you open up even further?

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
