You’ve probably already heard more than a mouthful about how to manifest and what other people think you should be manifesting to make your life better (according to their terms).
And the truth is, yes, you can manifest abundance of money, clients, and resources for your business. You can manifest love, soul mates, and twin flames. You can manifest anything your heart desires. But there’s a twist…
You manifest what you need, not just what you want.
What’s coming to you now is based on where you are on your path of spiritual growth and evolution.
So when you see people that attached their twin flame or people that struck it rich with their online business selling you their formula and saying “if I can do it you can too,” know that this was part of their path at that particular time. If it doesn’t happen for you the same way, there’s nothing wrong with you. Repeat–there’s nothing wrong with you! You’re just not ready for it yet–on a soul level.
To reach this you must become congruent with your desires and your core values. And you’ll find this work to be much more rewarding in the long run.
Because manifesting is about ascension. It’s growth. It’s evolution. And yes, sometimes it hurts. I mean really fucking hurts!
Sometimes you start with nothing. Not a goddamn thing. And you gotta pull yourself up every time you fall. Every damn time you fail. You gotta get back up no matter what! And you gotta rely on yourself when you have no other support.
I know, that sounds like hard work, not manifesting, right? Blunt Force Truth: It is. The universe helps those who help themselves.
Manifesting is a result of the work you put in.
You are computer programming running Reality OS on universal architecture. Just like the programming we do on computers, GIGO is real. That means ‘garbage in, garbage out!’
When you put the effort on yourself, you get results. When you have faulty programming, you’re gonna get faulty results.
And your programming IS your core values–that’s what has determined the results you’ve gotten in the past up until now. That’s what tells you if you’re congruent with your desires.
So work towards aligning yourself.
Work towards knowing yourself.
See yourself not merely as body and soul, see yourself as timeless infinity. See abundance and plentitude in your field of awareness. Always! Because the universe gives to those that have.
It’s simply attuning yourself to that frequency.
Translation–you can’t manifest from a mindset of not having. How’s that for universal irony? God takes from those with nothing and gives to those with everything.
It’s all about the feeling of already having.
And in your infinite wisdom, you can literally see that you have everything, because anything anywhere on your timeline is available to you in the now. That’s just how eternity works!
So again, go within. Know thyself. Love yourself, not for the easy stuff, we all love to play with the parts of ourselves that make us feel good! Love yourself for your flaws. For your lessons. For all of the growing pains that led you to exactly where you are right now.
And know that whatever has happened in the past wasn’t to limit you in any way, it was simply to bring you into this exact moment. To be present.
So let that shit go.
Yes, all of it. Now!
You can’t hold onto the results you’ve gotten in the past (unless you want to continue going in that direction). And you can’t accurately predict based on the statistical results of the past.
Because manifesting.
The numbers lie. They only tell you the past, and the past doesn’t exist. It has passed!
So you don’t predict the future, you create a better now.
It’s good to know that now, isn’t it? How bout exuding some gratitude for everything that’s gone right and even that which has not? Because even that is telling you something…
And whatever that is, it is the perfect message for you at this time.
You’re not only here to live your life. You’re here to witness it. You’re the universe aligning the flow of universal love into this consciousness that sets forth the physical parameters that make this life possible. So think about all that’s gone right just for you to be here… That’s called attunement!
Manifesting is coming from a place of knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.
And yes, you’re going to manifest “problems.” We all do. It’s just how we learn. We learn by making mistakes. Lord knows I have! We learn by failing. And we get ahead by staying with the program. Every fucking time we fail.
Know this: People that talk about manifesting aren’t always getting everything right.
Because we’re all working on it.
We’re working on ourselves.
People know that they are a work in progress. As do you. You know that life ain’t perfect, and you know there’s been lots of hardships. So you know the absolute power of working on yourself! Because you can handle it!
Manifesting is a practice of working on yourself.
It’s not about getting stuff. I mean, really. Look at how some people say not to have attachments to things. And look at how others have no problem at all with the same things that others are saying to let go of!
It’s not about things. It’s not about money. It’s not about attracting love.
It’s about embodying self love.
It’s about flowing in universal love.
It’s about living with unconditional love.
All those other things are gonna happen at exactly the right moment you become ready.
So manifest to make yourself ready, not to attain things. Because that is how you attract without attachment to outcome.
And most importantly, think not about how to manifest. Think not about what to manifest.
Think about why you manifest.
Because that’s your soul purpose speaking out!
That’s your true desire in full alignment with your core values.
That’s what’s attracting you to the very things you want to manifest. Or that’s what’s attracted you to what you’ve already manifested if it has come from misalignment. And even that is you gift–your opportunity to look deep within, to ask questions, and to improve yourself.
I manifest because it’s my praxxis–my practice. Does it always get me what I want in life? No. (damnit!) Does it get to to where I need to be for my next step in evolution. Hell yea!!!
The whole time I’ve been focused on manifesting abundance of money and business, and the whole time I’ve been focused on attracting the love of my life, my purpose has been to work on myself. To make myself a more loving entity. To love myself even more each and every day.
It’s all about the journey.
It’s about trusting the process…
And loving yourself through it.
So tell me, why do you want to manifest? Because it’s not about what the universe is preparing you for next–it’s about what you’re ready for right now!