Yes, You Create Your Own Reality. Here’s How Science Explains It

Nothing can be created or destroyed. Yet this may destroy your concept of what reality is to you. Sorry (not sorry).

Everything exists as energy, right? It’s what’s in your DNA. It’s in every subatomic particle. It’s in every force like magnetism and gravity. And energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is everywhere! It is the clay from which we mold our reality into existence. Energy is transmuted. Transformed. From the Big Bang to you right here and now. You are energy. So if everything is energy, then where did it come from?

Energy is a transmutation of something. It has no beginning and no end because of this. It existed before the Big Bang. Before Creation. We are only starting to perceive the universe beyond the limitations of our own awareness. The universe is literally opening up to you showing you her greatest secrets. And they’re beautiful!

As you look into the structure of reality, you see the energy vibrating in a certain way to create matter and forces. It’s the underlying energy found in all things. How it vibrates determines what it attracts, and this creates a framework to start to build upon. How each piece of energy vibrates determines the attributes of the particle it creates. That means that there’s something else before energy. Pure information. Big Data. Everything in the universe, from the very beginning, is simply code. A basic computer programming language.

Fast forward to almost 14 billion years after the Big Bang, and you have us. Human life. Self-aware sentient beings. We all have this one thing in common: Our subconscious minds operate underneath our awareness to determine our behaviors and beliefs based off of an underlying system of core values programmed in the subconscious. We are programming just as the universe is. Self-learning AI. Are we a simulation like powerful minds like Elon Musk have suggested?

The “simulation” is real!

The fact that everything is information shouldn’t make anything seen less real. Rather, this miracle allows you to assume control of the process.

The information of the universe follows in, around, and through you. It flows through the ground you are on. It flows through the sky and beyond. The flow of information is made possible by “invisible strings” that connect everything. What we perceive to be separate is illusion. What we perceive to be opposites is illusion. It’s one underlying stream of consciousness connecting everything through a process known as quantum entanglement, or nonlocality.

Consciousness needs a brain to process the information flowing.

That’s where you come in. You are the evolution of the universe that allows her to experience and witness herself. You are the observer. You are the participant. And you are also the Creator. That’s made possible by releasing certain limitations of your own thought patterns, allowing you to perceive the underlying flow of information.

Then you can control it.

You can shape it.

You can mold it.

You can program reality.

This flow of consciousness, like a river flowing downstream, creates the form of the landscape. It starts small and grows. Like a stream flowing into a river that flows toward the ocean, your consciousness is that of the water.

Self-awareness is the trickle that grows into consciousness of higher dimensions and intelligence. And the ocean is still you. Still connected. On this level of consciousness, the universe is your mind. All information is available all the time.

You get to access and control this to design your life.

You just gotta start from the start. Because in your human experience, you’ve become accustomed to living in three space dimensions and one of time. That’s just how we see things. That means for some things, we require the entire timeline for our creations to conceptualize. That’s why evolution is real. It’s creation taking place over your timeline.

We’ve been teaching this on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. Most of it wasn’t written.

After it was written, then translated, and even rewritten, the biblical creation analogy was used to teach people in the ways that they could best understand at the time. Creation was never meant to contradict evolution–and it doesn’t. That’s merely the blocks people have installed in their subconscious programming after only a couple thousand years of social conditioning. Evolution is creation happening over time.

The speakers and the authors simplified the process in order to gain a better understanding with the people in a system where education was just getting started in societies. They said the universe was created. Big Bang Theory essentially tells the same story, only with more detail. But how do we teach a people with limited technology to observe and practice the teachings?

Today, science still uses analogies to present new ideas and relate these ideas to something you already know. Like days of the week. The reason we narrowed down the story of creation into 7 days was so that we could explain 7 steps that were accomplished in that order.

The analogy relates the two without making the days literal. It would be the same if the wave function was described to you using ocean waves. You know ocean waves because you’ve seen them. But that doesn’t mean all matter is made of salt water. It does however relate to you that the underlying programming is accessible through all matter, and that’s also why I used the ocean analogy. Everything’s ok purpose.

Over millennia, the story of creation changed. The Gnostics described a God and several archons (archangels) associated with the formation of the sun and planets, and then a God associated with creation of life. Alchemists created a framework for creation through the spiritual consciousness and laid the framework for the laws of physics. Energy can’t be created or destroyed. That’s alchemy that was proven by science. Now it’s law.

Science doesn’t give the answers–it’s the methodology.

There’s no ‘science says’ because science is simply a neutral tool. You can use it to prove it dis-prove something, but that’s misuse. It’s called confirmation bias. Properly used, science gives ways with which to interpret data. Because there’s human bias, you can transcend that by using higher consciousness. What’s the highest and best choice in any given moment?

Answer with love. It’s that simple.

That’s why the universe is for you and never against you. She is designed for our presence. The laws of nature favor life. It’s just a natural consequence of the chaotic nature of the universe known as entropy (also one of the physical laws). But why is it that way? People tend to fixate on something external, like God, to explain her design. Or some thing God is non-existent and the universe is meaningless. They’re going to see what they want to see because both viewpoints are biased.

To transcend bias, see the universe with love. You know the feeling. It’s attraction. It’s that gut feeling you get when you see someone and fall in love right away. It’s also the underlying attraction that allows energy to bind and form matter and forces. It’s what you are, not only what you do or feel.

And to see the universe with love is simply done through meditative practice or prayer. It elevates your consciousness, expanding your connection. Yet there will be those opposed to the words I used. Many don’t take meditation seriously. Even with mountains of data supporting the benefits. So just call it “thought experiments.”

That’s what Einstein did. And look how he changed our understanding. He even said the framework for the discovery of quantum entanglement (although he was trying to dis-prove quantum mechanics).

When you access consciousness through breathwork and relaxation, you allow the mind to be still, and then you observe the flow. This puts you in control. And there are many higher orders of consciousness at play here–all available to you.

When you access your highest and best, you are free to program yourself and your surroundings.

That means that creation and design are programmable. By YOU. That’s why the anthropic principle is debated. It’s really because everything comes full circle. Once you set forth the chain of events, you watch space unfold, beginning the timeline so each part is observable. Time is added to the process to facilitate observation and growth. Evolution is a natural process of the universe growing into you.

You made it that way.

How you did it is using the same underlying laws of the universe. How you perceive is now going to change. For good.
